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Smoking has a lasting negative effect on the immune response

Smoking has a lasting negative effect on the immune response



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Smoking has a lasting effect on certain immune responses in humans, which persists long after quitting, a paper published this week in Nature shows. This study investigates various factors that may contribute to variation in immune responses, with body mass index (BMI) and latent infection with cytomegalovirus (a common virus) having a significant impact on immune responses. We also specify that. The findings provide insight into factors that may underlie the risk of developing infections and other immune-related diseases such as cancer and autoimmune diseases.

There is great variability in how humans respond to immune challenges such as bacterial and viral infections, as evidenced by the different clinical outcomes observed after SARS-CoV-2 infection. Age, gender, and genetic factors play major roles in this variation, but modifiable environmental factors such as lifestyle may also contribute. Understanding how these variables influence immune responses could improve the design of treatments and vaccines.

Darragh Duffy and his colleagues at the Pasteur Institute at the Cité University in Paris, France, investigated the influence of 136 environmental factors on variations in immune responses in 1,000 people. Of the environmental factors studied, smoking was shown to have the greatest impact on immune responses. It affected both innate and adaptive immunity. The former is a general reaction, while the latter is more specific and pathogen-specific. Effects on innate responses (such as increased inflammatory responses) are temporary and disappear after smoking cessation, whereas effects on adaptive responses persist for years after smoking cessation and are released during infections and other immune attacks. changes in the levels of cytokines. “These results collectively demonstrate the short-term effects of smoking on the innate immune response and the long-term effects of smoking on the acquired immune response,” the researchers wrote.

“Our study identified strong associations between these previously proposed disease biomarkers and response to immune challenge in smokers and nonsmokers. “Our findings in donors pave the way for further exploration of understanding how smoking acts as a risk factor for cancers other than the lung,” the researchers wrote.

Although BMI and cytomegalovirus have also been found to have notable effects on cytokine secretion, the variation associated with smoking reaches a level comparable to that associated with non-modifiable factors such as age, gender, and genetics. .

The authors acknowledge that the study has several limitations, including the lack of a replication cohort and the limited genetic diversity of the individuals studied. However, the findings provide new insights into the effects of smoking on human health and aid our understanding of the role that modifiable environmental factors play in variations in immune responses.




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