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Ellen DeGeneres apologizes to staff amid workplace complaints


Ellen DeGeneres apologized to her staff amid allegations of a toxic work environment on her talk show.

Buzzfeed claiming to have been bullied and racist while working on the show, and it was reported that WarnerMedia launched an internal investigation in response.“data-reactid =” 33 “> A number of day program staff recently spoke anonymously Buzzfeed claiming to have been bullied and racist while working on the show, and it was reported that WarnerMedia launched an internal investigation in response.

which was obtained by The Hollywood Reporter.“data-reactid =” 34 “> DeGeneres, 62, has now raised the situation in a letter to his crew, which was obtained by The Hollywood Reporter.

Ellen DeGeneres responds to criticism for sitting with George W Bush in a game“data-reactid =” 35 “>Read more: Ellen DeGeneres responds to criticism for sitting with George W Bush in a game

Obviously something has changed and I’m disappointed to learn that it hasn’t, she said. And for that, I’m sorry.

BEVERLY HILLS, CALIFORNIA - JANUARY 05: Ellen DeGeneres attends the 77th Golden Globes Awards - Press Room at The Beverly Hilton Hotel on January 5, 2020 in Beverly Hills, California.  (Photo by David Crotty / Patrick McMullan via Getty Images)

Ellen DeGeneres attends the 77th Golden Globes Awards in 2020 (David Crotty / Patrick McMullan via Getty Images)

The star continued: My name is on the show and everything we do and I take responsibility for it. Along with Warner Bros, we immediately launched an internal investigation and are taking action together to correct the issues.

DeGeneres said that as the program grew, she hadn’t been able to stay on top of everything and relied on others to do their jobs because they knew she would want them to do it.

Obviously, some haven’t, she says. Now that will change and I am committed to making sure that does not happen again.

DeGeneres said she also realized that the people who worked with and for her spoke for and misrepresented her and that this needs to stop.

Apparently drawing on her own experiences of being gay, the star said she has a deep compassion for those who are looked at differently, or treated unfairly, not equal or – worse – ignored.

American comedian Ellen DeGeneres presents Lil Nas X and Billy Ray Cyrus at the 62nd Annual Grammy Awards on January 26, 2020 in Los Angeles.  (Photo by Robyn Beck / AFP) (Photo by ROBYN BECK / AFP via Getty Images)

Ellen DeGeneres presents Lil Nas X and Billy Ray Cyrus at the 62nd Annual Grammy Awards on January 26, 2020 (ROBYN BECK / AFP via Getty Images)

The allegations included employees made redundant after taking sick leave or days of mourning, facing micro-aggression and a culture of intimidation and favoritism from executive producers.

No specific claim has been made against DeGeneres.

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Executive Producers Ed Glavin, Mary Connelly and Andy Lassner said in a statement: “We are very sorry and sorry to hear that even one of our production family had a negative experience. This is not who we are. and what we strive to be, not the mission that Ellen has set for us.

The Ellen Showis entirely on us. We take it all very seriously and realize, as many around the world are learning, that we need to do better, we are committed to doing better, and we will do better. “” Data-reactid = “92”> “For the file, the daily responsibility of The Ellen Show is entirely on us. We take it all very seriously and realize, as many around the world are learning, that we need to do better, we are committed to doing better, and we will do better. “

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