Why are there more earthquakes, tsunamis and explosions? – Animal doctor
Dear doctor. Fox: I read one of your articles after researching an experience I had just had with my dog. Long story short, I had two older huskies and they died around Christmas, two weeks apart. The first one made it to the vet, but unfortunately passed there. With the second photo, I could see the same signs and knew she was about to pass, so I had her do it in my arms at our house.
I watched her every breath for five straight hours. Finally, she took three spaced breaths and her lungs finally stopped, as did her heart. When I placed my hand on her chest to feel for any sign of a pulse, her body shook for about four seconds. I couldn't believe what I was feeling.
I researched as much as I could, but have you ever heard of a body shaking after death? Did she feel her conscious energy or spirit leaving her body? Or was it just a medical coincidence? – D.M., Cleveland, Ohio
Dear DM: What I experienced, I also felt while carrying animals that were on their way out. My interpretation is that this is a release of their bio-electric energy. With our beloved cat Mr. Mark Twain, who had had a stroke, I held him for about four hours as he went in and out of consciousness. Then he had a three to five second seizure, his body was convulsing, and I felt this energy releasing and then he was gone.
I suppose that this energy is what we call “spirit” or “vital force,” and after death it returns to the unified sphere which some call “heaven.”
A journalist friend told me that he saw a very clear, ephemeral form of his dog's body rising when the dog died on the veterinary surgery table after euthanasia. He said it was as if it had evaporated and then gone. Metaphysically, this is called “etheric duality.” The etheric body can be described as the life force also present in the plant kingdom, which maintains the form of the physical body until death. At that time, it separates, and the physical body returns to normal disintegration.
Thanks for sharing your experience. I wonder if other readers, including veterinarians who euthanize animals, have felt and felt similarly.
Dear doctor. Fox: Our sweet little Chihuahua, Billy, was a word learner. He died in 2022 and it was like losing a child. We were retired when we adopted him, so he got a lot of attention.
We had to spell out several words to keep him from knowing what we were saying: eat in, out, treat, carrot, bed, ride, car and up, for a few. The most beautiful thing is that he knew the names of our grandchildren. They are here almost every day, and Billy has learned, on his own, to go to the door at 3 p.m. and wait for them after school. If I ever mentioned their names, he would bark and run to the door, looking for them. We miss him so much
Next, we adopted an elderly Pekingese who was in a nursing home. He was a huge blessing to us and we were able to keep him for 6 months before he had to cross the bridge. He was mostly deaf, but within a few weeks, he came to learn my habits and movements – like lying on his bed at night when he saw me making my bed. Dogs are such intelligent creatures. – V.B., Cumberland, Maryland
Dear VB: Many readers will enjoy what I shared about our brilliant little Chihuahua. Not all dogs pay attention to words. However, those who do not or cannot learn many words should not be looked down upon, as one Pekingese explained. We should appreciate all dogs, who have many different talents and, in many ways, more virtues than we do.
A wonderful initiative to help cats and prison inmates
A bill introduced in the Hawaii State Senate would fund a pilot program that would allow vetted and trained inmates at the Women's Correctional Center to foster cats from animal shelters so they can be adopted or returned to the shelter. Supporters say the bill, if approved, could reduce overcrowding in shelters and improve the well-being of prisoners. (Full story: KHON-TV Honolulu, Jan. 31)
(Send all mail to [email protected] or to Dr. Michael Fox in care of Andrews McMeel Syndication, 1130 Walnut St., Kansas City, MO 64106. The volume of mail received precludes personal responses, but questions and comments of general interest will be discussed in future columns .
Visit Dr. Fox's website at DrFoxOneHealth.com.)
Sources 2/ https://www.uexpress.com/pets/animal-doctor/2024/03/10 The mention sources can contact us to remove/changing this article |
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