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What Devastated Pub Owners Are Doing Boris Johnson's Coronavirus Message


Eviscerated pub owners say they fear for the future of some of the city's iconic drinkers after Boris Johnson urged people to stay away to stop the spread of Covid-19.

Downtown pubs The Old Joint Stock and The Booster Wellington and Moseley The Fighting Cocks have all spoken of their anguish over the slowdown in trade triggered by the coronavirus epidemic.

Guy Ward, at The Fighting Cocks, in Moseley, said his team of 25 staff members had taken a series of measures to keep drinkers safe – including going cashless to avoid exchanging money, 24-hour cleaning, steam regularly and the rules of social distancing.

But the Prime Minister's latest directives had "devastated" them.

Combat dicks in Moseley
(Image: Birmingham Live)

"We still have people coming in now – people like the pub as a place to meet friends. We are doing everything we can to mitigate the effects and reassure people, but the messages from the government are very confusing. They should say either close or open, but it's a horrible point halfway.

"We have loyal customers but people are worried, understandable.

"We have Mother's Day on Sunday which is traditionally a very busy day for us – I rang and a group of seven canceled because they are over 70 in their group, we expect others to follow. We honor all deposits. We take all possible measures to prevent the spread of infection. "

Prime Minister Johnson yesterday issued strict advice on how the UK should treat coronavirus. (Monday March 16)

He said that by the weekend, groups particularly vulnerable to Covid-19 will be invited to stay at home for 12 weeks. "In a few days, by next weekend, we will have to go further and ensure that those with the most serious health problems are largely free from social contact for about 12 weeks.

"Again, the reason why this is done in the coming days rather than sooner or later is that it is going to be very confusing for people who have such conditions."

He said that people should start working from home "where they can."

"You should avoid pubs, clubs, theaters and other social places," he said.

The old common stock
(Image: Birmingham Mail)

Earlier in the day, PM and his Chancellor Rishi Sunak offered assistance to pubs and other commercial properties.

Taxes on professional rates paid on commercial buildings will be eliminated this year for all companies in the retail, leisure and hotel sectors. Each store, pub, theater, music room, restaurant will pay no commercial rates for 12 months, Sunak said at a press conference on Tuesday. (The 17th of March)

Cash grants worth 25,000 would be awarded to companies to help them weather the turbulent times.

Sunak said: This is a comprehensive, coordinated and consistent response to a serious and changing economic situation. These are just the first steps.

He said he would define new measures in the coming days and that he was meeting with unions and business groups to develop some form of support for jobs to protect jobs and income.

Wellington's real beer specialist
(Image: Birmingham Mail)

For Tom Brown, manager at real Wellington beer icon in the city center, there has already been a noticeable slowdown in drinkers and this is expected to worsen.

"People are nervous. We still see a lot of regular faces but things are definitely slow. This is worrying."

Near Former Joint Stock Pub and Theater, the coronavirus epidemic has already caused the cancellation of each of the outstanding theater performances held upstairs.

Director Auda Matuleviciute said the staff "constantly clean" to build public confidence but that there was a "big hit" in the recipes last week. "It is understandable that people are worried, but we are doing everything we can – this last comment will make things very difficult."

Emma McClarkin, Director General of British Association of Beers and Pubs, said the image painted by pubs in Birmingham was spread across the country.

"The severity of the crisis is now affecting every pub in the country, wreaking havoc. The very future of thousands of pubs is at stake."

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