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Coronavirus morning makes headlines as Boris Johnson faces MPs, criminal trials are delayed and Coronation Street bans are embracing (Wednesday March 18)


Boris Johnson will face questions from MPs today over his coronavirus strategy after the government announced an "unprecedented" $ 350 billion support package to help businesses survive the crisis .

Prime Minister and Chancellor Rishi Sunak pledged to do "whatever it takes" to support the economy, the number of people suspected of having Covid-19 in the UK amounting to 55,000 and the death toll to 71.

The measures unveiled by Mr. Sunak on Tuesday evening included government-backed loans worth $ 330 billion – 15% of GDP – to help businesses that need access to cash, and a set of tax cuts and subsidies worth more than 20 billion.

Warning that "never in peacetime", the UK "had faced an economic struggle like this", he also announced three-month mortgage plans for homeowners house suffering from difficulties linked to an epidemic.

The package comes after the public has been advised to avoid non-essential contact and travel, while the elderly and those with underlying illnesses have been advised that they should stay much longer at home .

The latest figures

In Wales, two people died from a coronavirus, with the total number of confirmed cases in the country reaching 136.

Across the UK, there are now 1,950 cases and 71 people have died.

There are currently 1,557 cases in England, 195 in Scotland and 62 in Northern Ireland.

These figures will be updated by the various public health teams throughout the day.

The list of cancellations is growing

One of the most important is the Euro 2020 football tournament, which was postponed yesterday to 2021.

It came after the 55 member associations of UEFA were invited to a videoconference to discuss the national and national game.

At the meeting, they confirmed that they now hope to finish the 2019/20 national season by June 30 at the latest.

RHS has canceled upcoming shows, including the Chelsea Flower Show and its annual spring show in Cardiff.

(Image: Richard Swingler)

RHS gardens will remain open with precautionary measures

Center Parcs is closing all of its British sites from Friday.

The British Museum will temporarily close from March 18.

Weddings by July should be postponed and funerals cut, say bishops of the Church in Wales in their latest guidelines for coronavirus.

They recommend that weddings planned before the end of July be postponed, that baptisms take place in small gatherings of up to 10 people, and that funerals only take place in tombs or crematoria.

The Church has said that if for pastoral reasons a marriage is to take place, it should only do so with a maximum of ten people present.

Many cinemas have also announced their closure.

Criminal trials will be delayed

Criminal trials should be stayed as part of ongoing efforts to delay the spread of the coronavirus.

In a statement released Tuesday evening, it was announced that Lord Chief Justice Lord Burnett – the oldest judge in England and Wales – had decided that no new trials should start in court Crown unless it should last three days or less. .

As a result, cases of more than three days which were to start before the end of April will be carried over.

The announcement came after pressure was put on the government to clarify its strategy for the courts, amid growing concerns about the impact of the Covid epidemic. 19 on court cases.

Supermarket adds more restrictions

Sainsbury & # 39; s is the latest supermarket to announce measures to help the elderly and vulnerable during the current coronavirus crisis.

They also ration certain products in order to stop panic purchases.

All of its stores will not be open to the two groups until the first hour of trading on Thursday, said general manager Mike Coupe, but will open another hour so that other buyers don't miss out.

Empty shelves in Sainsbury's toilet paper aisle in Thornhill
(Image: Shazia Awan-Scully)

Customers over 70 or with a disability will also benefit from priority access to online delivery slots from Monday 23 March and they will extend their click and collect service.

The supermarket also limits the number of items that customers can buy from today. Mr Coupe said they will now only be able to buy a maximum of three groceries and a maximum of two of the most popular products such as toilet paper, soap and UHT milk .

Supermarkets have seen a surge in demand for delivery services, with no slots available before next month for Tesco and Waitrose in parts of the southeast.

With regard to shops and supermarkets, Secretary of Transport Grant Shapps said he had given the green light for temporary relaxation of the rules on driver hours.

He wrote on Twitter: "We are helping supermarkets to respond to # COVID-19. I have allowed temporary relaxation of the driver hours rules to help deliver vital goods to stores across the UK; it being understood that the well-being of drivers must not be compromised. "

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Coronavirus last

Do you have trouble paying your rent?

The advice of money saving expert Martin Lewis is to speak to your landlord urgently if you are worried.

The Chancellor did not announce direct assistance to tenants when he announced mortgage assistance, but he hinted that there could be more support coming.

Martin Lewis said, "Renting is a more difficult area because it is often a relationship between two people, and the owners can count on income as much as you do. Explain your situation and, if necessary, ask if you can be allowed more time to pay your rent.

"Remember that most landlords will have a hard time finding new tenants at this time. It is therefore in the common interest to keep tenants in the properties. Try to reach a reasonable mutual arrangement helps both. Homeowners associations have encouraged them to be patient, so good communication is key. "

Alex had to host The One Show alone

The Welsh host was without his co-presenter Matt Baker self-isolated in the midst of the coronavirus epidemic.

He revealed that a family member had shown symptoms of the virus when they spent the next two weeks at home.

Matt appeared by videoconference to explain his absence from Tuesday's show.

At the start of the BBC program, Jones, 43, made a sign to the empty spot on the couch next to her and said, "Welcome to Tuesday's live The One Show with me Alex Jones and as you can see, look, the couch is empty.

"No Matt Baker. Like many of you, he works from home today. Matthew, what's going on?"

Baker then appeared from his couch at home, joined by his pet dog.

Corrie forbids kissing

Coronation Street has banned kissing scenes in an attempt to stop the spread of the coronavirus on set.

An ITV spokesperson said all kissing or close contact scenes were modified to minimize contact between the actors.

Viewers will not immediately see the changes as the soap films six to eight weeks in advance, the spokesperson added.

The broadcaster has already stated that it will use Corrie and Emmerdale to "remind people of important public health issues" in the context of the Covid-19 pandemic.

Delays in controversial tax reforms

Controversial tax reforms affecting the self-employed have been postponed for 12 months due to the coronavirus epidemic.

Chief Secretary of the Treasury Steve Barclay said the decision to delay reforms to the IR35 legislation was designed to help businesses and individuals, but stressed that they had not been overturned.

Legislation introduced in 2000, referred to as IR35, was intended to prevent the operation of personal service companies for the purpose of tax evasion.

Other changes are expected to be introduced starting next month, which has led to warnings that would prompt some self-employed workers to retire early, find contracts abroad or seek employment. other jobs.

Concluding the budget debate, Mr. Barclay said: "I can also announce tonight that the government is postponing reforms of the payroll non-IR IR35 labor rules from April 2020 to April 6, 2021.

"The government will not therefore propose the original resolution this evening, but will shortly table an additional resolution confirming that we will reintroduce the provisions relating to payroll working rules outside the roll by amending the bill with a date 39; entered into force on April 6, 2021.

"This is a deferral in response to the continued spread of Covid-19 to help businesses and individuals.

"This is a deferral and not a cancellation and the government remains committed to reintroducing this policy to ensure that people working as employees, but through their own public company, generally pay the same tax as those employed directly. "

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