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Coronavirus: Boris Johnson faces calls to do more to help tenants and self-employed


Boris Johnson is facing calls to do more to help tenants after announcing his $ 350 billion package to support businesses through the coronavirus.

Prime Minister and Chancellor Rishi Sunak said on Tuesday that they would do "whatever it takes" to help the British economy, the number of people believing that Covid-19 has risen to 55,000 and the death toll at 71.

However, the government has been criticized for failing to put in place provisions that would help tenants in a home after giving homeowners three months' mortgage.

Secretary of Affairs Alok Sharma told ITV News that the government is "looking very closely" to provide support to tenants and said the housing secretary will soon define new measures.

"There are millions of people across the country renting, some of them will be worried about what would happen if they actually started to suffer from Covid-19.

"The chancellor was very clear yesterday in the house, that is that we are looking very actively at it.

"The housing secretary will shortly present the tenant protection measures."

The measures unveiled by Mr. Sunak included 330 billion government-supported loans – equivalent to 15% of GDP – and a package of tax and subsidy cuts worth more than $ 20 billion.

Warning that "never in peacetime" the UK had faced an economic struggle like this, he also announced plans for three-month mortgages for homeowners suffering from hardship an epidemic.

Business secretary Sharma told ITV News political reporter Shehab Khan that mortgage leave will be available to people "directly or indirectly" affected by the virus.

"To give an example, if you are isolated as part of a household, this is clearly an area that you would expect from mortgage companies."

The coronavirus package comes after the public has been advised to avoid all non-essential contact and travel, while the elderly and those with underlying illnesses have been advised that they should stay at home .

Labor leader Jeremy Corbyn on Tuesday urged the government to go further in its financial aid by suspending rental fees and prohibiting evictions of tenants during the coronavirus crisis.

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Business secretary Alok Sharma said the government was working on measures to support the employed and help tenants after announcing three months off for mortgage payers.

He said: "Of course people want us to go further. The Chancellor has made it very clear that we will move forward on employment measures. We will do it as soon as possible."

He added: "We will continue to provide support where necessary. The Prime Minister has made it clear that we will do whatever it takes to protect people's health, to protect their livelihoods.

"We had a major intervention yesterday. We are ready to do more."

The Prime Minister warned that Covid-19 is so "dangerous" that without drastic action it would "overwhelm the NHS" and that "extreme measures" may be necessary to protect lives in the future.

He added that there were only "a few weeks" to make the necessary amount of ventilators that the NHS needed to help patients with coronavirus.

This came after government chief scientific adviser Sir Patrick Vallance told deputies that it was hoped that the death toll could be less than 20,000 as he spoke of 39; enormous pressure on health services by Covid-19.

At a hearing of the Commons Health Select Committee, Sir Patrick was asked if the expected death rate was one death per 1,000 cases, which would mean that there are potentially 55,000 currently.

He said: Weve tried to figure this out in Sage (Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies) and if you put all the modeling information together, it's a reasonable way of looking at it.

It is no more accurate than that.

NHS England chief executive Sir Simon Stevens told MEPs that the NHS would help coronavirus patients over the next four to six months.

He sent a letter to hospitals telling them to prepare for a large influx of patients in need of ventilation, and ordered moves to cancel elective surgery by April 15 at the latest, along with the discharge of medically able beds .

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