Contraceptive injections associated with brain tumors in women
According to Cancer Research UK, around 1 in 500 people in the general population will develop a brain tumor, with 27% of these being intracranial meningiomas. It is a tumor of the membranes that cover the brain and spinal cord.
Because of its location, it can cause serious problems, including loss of vision, smell, memory, and hearing, ringing in the ears, seizures, and weakness in the arms and legs, even if it is not cancerous.
The study, led by France's National Agency for Medicines and Health Products Safety, found that the incidence increased from 0.1% to 0.5% among women who had used contraceptive injections in the previous year and had taken them for at least a year.
In response to questions from the Telegraph, the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) could not say whether it would re-examine the safety of the drug following the findings of the investigation, but did not say whether it would be available on the NHS. He said it could affect sexuality.
Two other drugs used in Europe to treat a range of conditions, including irregular bleeding, menstrual disorders and premenopausal disorders, but not in the UK, also increased the risk of brain tumors. Medrogestone increased the risk by 4.2 times and promegestone increased the risk by 2.7 times.
The study also confirmed previous findings that the progesterone drugs chlormadinone acetate, nomegestrol acetate, and cyproterone acetate are associated with tumor growth.
There were no risks associated with combined or progesterone-only contraceptives available on the NHS.
“The risk increases slightly.”
Paul Pharoah, a professor of cancer epidemiology at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in the US, said many of the findings were unrelated to the UK prescription, but added that medroxyprogesterone acetate did carry risks.
“Women taking commonly used oral contraceptives or hormone replacement therapy are not at increased risk of meningioma,” she said. “A notable exception is medroxyprogesterone acetate, which is sometimes used as an injectable contraceptive in the UK.”
Professor Pharoah said around 40 in 10,000 30-year-old women in the UK are expected to be diagnosed with meningioma before the age of 80.
“In patients who have used medroxyprogesterone acetate, this value increases to 200,” he said, stressing that it is still a “rare disease” and adding, “This small increase in risk is due to the use of injectable drugs. “It needs to be considered in relation to the benefits of its use,” he added. About contraception. ”
Dr Karen Noble, Director of Research, Policy and Innovation at Brain Tumor Research, said: “A better understanding of risk factors for brain tumors would be beneficial to the brain tumor community. Not only would it open the door to research into preventative measures, but it could also lead to a better understanding of why these tumors develop in the first place.” yeah.
“While this study linked certain progestogen treatments to an increased risk of meningioma, it also demonstrated the safety of other progestogen treatments that were shown not to increase risk.” If this is the case, we recommend that you consult your doctor before discontinuing prescribed treatment.”
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