A dog expelled from the police academy helps in Taiwan earthquake rescue efforts
![A dog expelled from the police academy helps in Taiwan earthquake rescue efforts A dog expelled from the police academy helps in Taiwan earthquake rescue efforts](https://people.com/thmb/QCP1HGJvn5AvX2kJtRskFwykYrU=/1500x0/filters:no_upscale():max_bytes(150000):strip_icc():focal(711x399:713x401)/Taiwan-Earthquake-rescue-dog-041024-1-db55ff54ed17442c902b39df1ac35385.jpg)
A Labrador retriever in Taiwan was expelled from the police academy for being too playful. He is now helping with search and rescue efforts, including those following the 7.4 magnitude earthquake that struck the country last week.
The 8-year-old pup, Roger, was originally trained as a drug-sniffing dog at the Customs Administration's dog breeding and training center in the city of Taichung, according to Taiwan's official Central News Agency (CNA).
But he declined because he was “too friendly and loud,” his manager, Lee Hsien-hung, told the New York Times.
So, the dog joined the Kaohsiung Fire Bureau's search and rescue team. Today he is a high-ranking officer.
Roger during search and rescue efforts on April 5.
CNA/AFP via Getty Images
Search and rescue team leader Chen Chih-san told CNA that his first rescue mission came in 2018 after a 6.0-magnitude earthquake. It quickly became clear that Roger's playful nature made him the perfect pup for the job.
Since then, Roger has assisted on seven missions. The latest came after the earthquake that struck the east coast of Taiwan on April 3.
In the wake of the 7.4-magnitude quake — the largest the country has seen in 25 years — the pup helped locate the body of the quake's 13th victim, a 21-year-old woman buried under rubble in Taroko National Park, the New York Times reported. .
After his brave efforts at the park, the pup has stolen hearts with his behavior in recent news coverage, from trying to chew off a reporter's microphone to tearing up a stuffed toy while appearing on camera, according to the newspaper.
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Roger during search and rescue efforts on April 5.
Laurent Vivit/Hualien County Fire Department/AFP via Getty Images
Along with his fellow search and rescue juniors, Roger's hard work was rewarded with toys and snacks, according to ABC Australia.
Kaohsiung Mayor Chin Chi Mai told ABC Australia the pup was “still full of energy” after the mission. At least enough energy to enjoy its rewards.
“After he got the ice cream toy, he didn't mind spoiling his appearance as he munched on it enthusiastically,” the mayor said, adding that the bright canine “smiled at everyone despite their exhaustion.”
Although he is still playful as a puppy, Roger is getting older. His heart-stealing behavior last week marked a bittersweet end to his career as a search and rescue dog.
He will soon be nine years old, the age at which the Kaohsiung Fire Bureau says he should retire.
However, as Chih San confirmed to CNA, the soon-to-be-retired pup will be adopted into a good home.
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