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Anthony Tata: Trump led controversial Pentagon pick in new role with similar tasks after nomination failed


Retired Army Brig. General Anthony Tata formally withdrew his appointment as the Undersecretary of Defense of the Department of Defense responsible for policy and was designated as the “official responsible for carrying out the duties of the Deputy Under-Secretary of Defense in charge of policies reporting to Acting Under Secretary of Defense for Policy Dr. James Anderson, ”a Pentagon spokesperson said in a statement.

When Tata’s nomination hearing was canceled on Thursday, President Donald Trump told his aides his plan was to put him in a position he could have without a confirmation hearing, according to a source familiar with the discussions. The role he will play in now is essentially that of the deputy to the role he was nominated for.

It has previously been reported that Trump had a call with Senate Armed Services Chairman Jim Inhofe the night before and that the Oklahoma Republican had bluntly told the president his candidate was in trouble.

Tata was facing a tough nomination hearing Thursday before the committee after CNN’s KFile reported making numerous Islamophobic and offensive comments and promoting conspiracy theories.

“There are a lot of Democrats and Republicans who didn’t know enough about Anthony Tata to consider him for a very important job at the time,” Inhofe said last week.

A GOP aide to a lawmaker who previously expressed concern over Tata’s appointment told CNN that the administration’s decision on Tata “was a matter of when, not if.”

The withdrawal of his candidacy was legally necessary for him to be placed in a role to perform the duties.

Steve Vladeck, a CNN Supreme Court analyst and a professor at the University of Texas Law School, tweeted Sunday that the administration’s decision was “utterly meaningless” the federal provision that prohibits Tata from being appointed to the same post. he was appointed for – unless he spent 90 days as the first assistant of the post.

“This clock is ticking now,” Vladeck said.

Senator Jack Reed, the top Democrat on the Senate Armed Services Committee, decried Tata’s placement as “an offensive and destabilizing move.”

“General Tata is not expected to be appointed to a position confirmed by the Senate,” the Rhode Island Democrat said in a statement. “This method of appointment is an insult to our troops, Pentagon professionals, the Senate and the American people.”

House Armed Services Speaker Adam Smith, a Democrat from Washington, also expressed his opposition to the move in a statement Sunday.

“Our system of checks and balances exists for a reason, and the Senate’s role in the administration’s confirmation process ensures that people at the highest levels of government are highly qualified,” Smith said.

“If a nominee cannot gain the support of the Senate, as is clearly the case with Tata, then the president should not give that person an identical temporary role.” This evasion of control makes our government less responsible and prioritizes loyalty over competence.

Vladek echoed Smith’s concern.

“What is particularly ridiculous about Tata is that they * appointed * him to the post and he is stepping down * only * because he was not going to be confirmed,” he said. he continued.

“It’s a pretty messy system when the guy the Senate was about to get rid of can actually end up with the same job anyway.”

Tata has worked at the Pentagon since April as a “senior adviser” to Defense Secretary Mark Esper, although the Pentagon has declined to say what he advises on. He is one of eight Defense Department staff who serve as “senior advisers,” but is the only one to directly support Esper.

In several tweets from 2018, Tata declared Islam the “most oppressive violent religion that I know of” and claimed that former President Barack Obama was a “terrorist leader” who did more to harm the United States. United “and help Islamic countries than any president in history.” Following the publication of KFile’s story, Tata deleted several of his tweets, screenshots of which were captured by KFile .

Tata, in a radio appearance, speculated that the deal with Iran grew out of Obama’s “Islamic roots” in an attempt to “help the Iranians and the great Islamic State crush Israel.”

He also lambasted prominent Democratic politicians and the media on Twitter, such as representatives from California. Maxine Waters and House of Commons Speaker Nancy Pelosi, who he said “have always been the same violent extremists”. In another tweet, Tata called Waters a “vicious racist racist.” He used a hashtag in a different tweet that implied CNN anchor Don Lemon was on “the liberal plantation.”

CORRECTION: This story has been updated to correct the day Tata was scheduled to appear before the Senate Armed Services Committee.

CNN’s Em Steck, Andrew Kaczynski, Nathan McDermott, Kaitlan Collins, Zachary Cohen and Paul LeBlanc contributed to this report.

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