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Latest: 53 virus infections on Norwegian cruise ships


Copenhagen, Denmark — The number of people who have been confirmed as positive for coronavirus on cruise ships in Norway has reached 53.

Following the outbreak at MS Roald Amundsen, the ship’s owners stopped all cruises on Monday, and Norway closed the port to cruise the ship for two weeks.

The Norwegian Institute of Public Health said a total of 37 crew members and 16 passengers had positive reactions during the two trips last month. All passengers are registered as residing in Norway.

Cruise liners often act like local ferries and travel from port to port along the west coast of Norway. Some passengers disembarked along the route, and authorities fear they may have spread the virus to the community.

At the Port of Bodo in the Arctic Circle, all crew members and passengers on the cruise ship Seadream 1 tested negative for viruses. According to SeaDream Yacht Club, the Norwegian-based company that owns the ship, the tests were done “with due care.”

The boat was put in quarantine because a Danish person had a positive reaction on his return home on Tuesday. The ship arrived at Bodo at the beginning of Wednesday.


Here’s what you need to know about virus outbreaks:

— Virus testing in the US is down, even as deaths increase

— Children seeking refuge in the US are exiled

— Colombia’s long virus blockade fuels anxiety and depression

— North Korean state media says Kim Jong-un has instructed government agencies to act immediately to stabilize the lives of the residents of the city, whose concerns about the coronavirus have been contained.

— California has stopped updating its county list facing more restrictions on businesses and schools because it has reached an undernumber due to a technical issue in the state’s coronavirus test database.

— Scottish officials have ordered the closure of bars, cafes and restaurants in the city of Aberdeen in response to a cluster of 54 COVID-19 cases linked to one bar.


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What else is happening:

Kathmandu, Nepal — Due to the increasing number of cases of coronaviruses, Nepal has imposed some restrictions, shutting down hotels and restaurants and restricting travel.

According to the Home Office statement, all rallies are prohibited and movement of people and vehicles is permitted only at night.

In areas where the number of cases is high, an odd number plate can be used to bring vehicles on the road every other day.

The Nepalese blockade imposed in March lasted 120 days. The country produced 60 deaths, including 21,390 cases and 81 infectious diseases and two deaths on Wednesday.


VIETNAM HANOI — Health authorities say Vietnam’s outbreak of COVID-19 may peak over the next 10 days as Vietnam reported another death and a number of new infectious diseases.

“Therefore we must remain vigilant,” said Nguyen Chuong Son, health minister in the hotspot Danang to oversee the fight against the virus, with new infections being discovered every day. ..

To cope with the increase in viral cases, Danang completed a 700-bed temporary hospital on Wednesday. The hospital converted from the sports auditorium has a maximum capacity of 3,000 beds.

A 67-year-old woman became the ninth dead in Vietnam. She was suffering from other health complications.

Since returning to Vietnam two weeks ago, more than three months after the outbreak, 270 local infections have been identified, most of them traced to a cluster of hospitals in Da Nang. Among the new cases are six people in the city’s high-tech industrial park.

The virus has since spread to 11 states and local governments, with 8 cases in Ho Chi Minh’s largest city and 3 cases in Hanoi.

As part of its efforts to curb outbreaks, the government encourages the use of smartphone apps that alert clients when they come in contact with someone who has a positive reaction.


Berlin-German National Center for Disease Control registers the highest number of new coronavirus infections in one day for three months.

The Robert Koch Institute says 1,045 cases were recorded on Wednesday. For the first time since May 7, more than 1,000 incidents have occurred each day. It is still well below the peak of 6,000 in early April.

Although the daily numbers fluctuate, this number fits into the pattern of new cases that have been rising in recent weeks as the authorities deal with a few small outbreaks in different parts of the country.

The Daily Report of the Centers for Disease Control repeated the evaluation that “this development is very disturbing.” Authorities last week called on Germans to respect mask wear and social distance rules.

German COVID-19 compliance to date is widely regarded as relatively successful. The Robert Koch Institute recorded 9,175 deaths from over 213,000 confirmed cases. This is a lower mortality rate than many comparable countries.


New Delhi-India recorded the largest 904 deaths per day in the last 24 hours. New coronavirus infections surged with 56,282 infections, reaching nearly 2 million people.

According to the Ministry of Health, the total death toll was 40,699. India has recorded 20,000 deaths in the last 30 days.

The ministry also said recovery rates have improved from 63% in the past 14 days to 67%. Nearly 600,000 patients are still being treated.

The fatality rate is 2.09%.

Maharashtra, Tamil Nadu and Andhra Pradesh are the worst hit states in India.


Melbourne, Australia — The prime minister of Australia’s hotspot, Victoria, has announced reductions in meat production and is urging residents not to buy in a hurry.

The capital, Melbourne, began its first day of strict lockdown restrictions on Thursday as Victoria claimed 471 new COVID-19 infections and eight deaths.

Daniel Andrews said beef, mutton and pork production will fall by a third from Friday’s second half due to the risk of viral infections in slaughterhouses and meat processing plants.

Poultry production will be reduced by 20%.

He said the measure was designed to minimize the number of workers without causing product shortages.

Andrews said shoppers didn’t have to stock up because of the episodic and varying degrees that occurred during the first and second blockades in Melbourne.

“It may not always be possible to get exactly the meat you need, but you can get what you need and basically all the products that are fundamentally important to you. You can put it in.”


Tokyo-Japan’s Governor of Aichi Prefecture has announced a “emergency situation” in the region seeking control of the coronavirus.

On Thursday, Governor Hideaki Omura urged people to stay home at night by asking companies to close completely or early.

The measures will continue until August 24, when the school and many companies are closed for the Obon holiday. Aichi Prefecture includes Nagoya, where Toyota’s headquarters are located.

According to the governor, more than 100 coronavirus infections have been confirmed in Aichi Prefecture since the middle of July. Before that, daily cases were zero for long periods.

The Japanese government in April demanded social distances and business closures, although these measures were gradually lifted. In Japan, the confirmed number of coronavirus cases is about 42,700 and the number of deaths is about 1,000.


New cases of COVID-19 in Beijing-Urumqi, a city in northwestern China, have increased slightly, reported on Thursday 27th, and 5 more than the previous day.

The rise in the Xinjiang region shows that authorities are still ending the country’s latest outbreak about three weeks ago. Authorities have taken strict administrative measures, such as blocking residential areas, restricting public transportation, and restricting travel outside the city.

Urumqi is the largest city in the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, with more than 600 cases of coronaviruses reported, but no deaths.

No new deaths have occurred, but the total number in China is 4,634, with 84,528 confirmed cases recorded since the coronavirus was first detected in Wuhan, central China at the end of last year. There is.


Mexico City—Mexico has been identified with 50,000 deaths from COVID-19.

The Federal Health Service reported on Wednesday 829 newly confirmed deaths, giving the country a total of 49,698 such deaths. This is the third highest number of pandemic deaths in the world.

In Mexico, the number of confirmed infections in Mexico increased by 6,139 to 449,961, according to authorities.

Authorities acknowledge that the actual death toll in Mexico can be much higher. Since the beginning of the pandemic, only about one million tests have been conducted in about 130 million countries.


Indianapolis, Indiana — Indiana Governor Eric Holcome defends school restarts in the face of increasing reports of students and teaching staff who have tested positive for coronavirus after returning to class.

Box said Wednesday that she continues to believe that our school can be safely reopened. She says improved testing and hospital competence are additional safeguards for returning students for face-to-face learning.

The governor also added that her greatest counsel to students and families was knowing when to stay home.


Ark, Little Rock — The Arkansas State Government requires public schools to open five days a week when classes resume this month, and some have restricted on-site instruction due to coronaviruses. Your district’s efforts are complicated.

The state issued guidance to schools on Wednesday and the state reported 912 new cases of the virus and 18 more deaths,

According to state guidance, schools must be open for five weekdays to comply with the state constitution. Some school districts planned to limit on-site instruction and use distance learning on days when the school was closed.

Arkansas Public Schools will reopen in the week of August 24th.


Olympia, WA — According to Washington Governor Jay Insley, most schools in the state should strongly consider students learning online only this fall because of the coronavirus pandemic.

Inslee also called for Wednesday to cancel or postpone sports and other face-to-face extracurricular activities.

Health experts said the virus was still widespread in the state, confirming the first confirmed virus case in the United States in late January. Since then, Washington has recorded more than 59,000 confirmed coronavirus cases and more than 1,600 deaths.


VT, montreal — Vermont officials say that nearly 150 Vermont prisoners in prisons in Mississippi tested positive for coronaviruses.

Vermont has 219 inmates in the Tara Hatchee County Correctional Facility in Tatwiller, Mississippi.

In late July, six inmates returned to Vermont from a private prison in Mississippi tested positive when they arrived at a correctional facility in Rutland. This caused the Vermont Correctional Department to order the remaining Vermont prisoners in Mississippi to be examined.

James Baker of the Interim Vermont Revision Commission says that 147 positive tests, 62 negative tests, two pending tests, and eight prisoners refused.


UN — Seven states in the United States and Europe are calling on Russia to withdraw troops from the Abkhazia and South Ossetia regions of Georgia and allow medical evacuation and first aid delivery during a coronavirus pandemic.

Eight states say Russia’s presence will further divide the community and endanger “health and life of people affected by conflict” during a pandemic after Wednesday’s closing session of the UN Security Council It was

The Russian ambassador’s acting ambassador to the United Nations, Dmitry Poliansky, tweeted that the statement was “fiction only.”

Georgia launched a brief war with Russia in an unsuccessful attempt to regain control of South Ossetia, which left in 2008. Later, Moscow recognized the independence of South Ossetia and Abkhazia and established a military base.

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