German survey finds low awareness of risks from natural toxins
![German survey finds low awareness of risks from natural toxins German survey finds low awareness of risks from natural toxins](
A survey reveals gaps in German consumers' knowledge regarding natural plant toxins.
A poll by the German Federal Institute for Risk Assessment (BfR) found that just under half (47%) of respondents were aware of plant toxicants.
A special edition of the BfR Consumer Monitor on naturally occurring plant toxins also revealed that this risk bothers 27% of people. The study was conducted on 1,012 people in August 2023, and the report was recently published.
Many foods contain naturally occurring toxins. These are often compounds that plants use to avoid predators such as insects and microorganisms. These substances are found in products such as beans and potatoes and can pose health risks.
natural toxins and mold
One example is solanine in potatoes, whose green or sprouted parts contain high concentrations of this toxin. Certain types of beans contain lectins that can make you sick if not prepared properly. In many cases, simply heating the food renders natural toxins harmless.
“The findings make clear that risks from natural sources tend to be underestimated, while risks from synthetic sources tend to be overestimated,” said BfR President Professor Andreas Hensel.
Contaminants such as residues in food (from plant protection products) and substances not intentionally added to food, such as heavy metals, are of concern to 63 percent and 62 percent of people, respectively.
When asked about foods containing naturally occurring plant toxins, participants mentioned potatoes, tomatoes, green beans, and mushrooms.
More than half of respondents felt they didn't have enough information about plant toxins in food, but only 8% said they had enough information.
When asked about plant toxins found naturally in food, more than 60% had heard of morphine and opiates, 31% had heard of coumarin, and 26% had heard of solanine. Only 4% of people had heard of pyrrolizidine alkaloids.
Regarding moldy food, the BfR said that even small amounts of mold toxins can be harmful to human and animal health, and that moldy jam should always be completely disposed of. However, his 25% of respondents said they only remove moldy areas.
Regarding moldy fruit, the affected fruit and the surrounding fruit should not be eaten, but only 60% follow this rule. More than 40% of vegetables have moldy parts removed. Most people threw away moldy yogurt and bread.
algae toxins
Meanwhile, the BfR will host a symposium on aquatic toxins on 10 and 11 June 2024.
The National Reference Laboratory (NRL), which monitors marine biological toxins at the BfR, invited national and international aquatic toxin experts to Berlin.
One example is ciguatoxin. Ciguatera poisoning is rare in Germany, but can occur from imported tropical fish. The incidence of ciguatera in the country is one of several topics that will be covered.
Detection and handling of ovatoxin-a, a toxin that can be ingested through mussel ingestion, as well as other toxins in salt water and freshwater, will also be discussed.
Jonathan R. Dees of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration will speak about the effects of palytoxin exposure on humans and animals. Other presenters come from New Zealand, Italy, Spain, Canada and France.
The purpose of this event is to exchange scientific information to better understand aquatic toxins. Experts explain what toxins can pose health risks to humans, how they affect aquatic life, and how to minimize these risks We plan to discuss whether this is possible.
(To sign up for a free subscription to Food Safety News, click here. )
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