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The Acolyte actor claims Anakin Skywalker blew up the Death Star and recent Disney Star Wars shows didn't feature a Jedi

The Acolyte actor claims Anakin Skywalker blew up the Death Star and recent Disney Star Wars shows didn't feature a Jedi
The Acolyte actor claims Anakin Skywalker blew up the Death Star and recent Disney Star Wars shows didn't feature a Jedi


Star Wars: The Sidekick Actor Charlie Barnett tried to portray himself as a Star Wars fan, but he seemed completely ignorant of the franchise by claiming that Anakin Skywalker blew up the Death Star.

LONDON, ENGLAND – APRIL 07: Charlie Barnett attends the Star Wars Celebration 2023 studio panel attends the Star Wars Celebration 2023 London studio panel at ExCel on April 07, 2023 in London, England. (Photo by Jeff Spicer/Jeff Spicer/Getty Images for Disney)

In an interview with The Nerds of Color, Barnett's first comments were to state that the Jedi had not been featured in recent Disney Star Wars movies and shows, despite being featured prominently in the series. more recent, Ahsokaas well as Obi Wan Kenobi. Luke Skywalker is also present in The Last Jedi And The Rise of Skywalker.

He said: “One of the most terrifying things is stepping into this Jedi position. We haven't seen many Jedi in the last two movies or even the TV shows that have come out. So coming back to that storyline and reinvesting in it was daunting because the Jedi are the ones, you know.

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Then he claimed that the Star Wars films he had seen portrayed the Jedi as godlike beings.

He said: “And where I grew up from the films that I saw, they were better than what could be. They were maxed out and couldn't do anything wrong. It was that kind of divine nature. So to see more of the personality, to see a little deeper roots in her was terrifying. Like, how are we going to explore the outlets of a story about people we know so much and do it in a way that people enjoy hearing about them or seeing them.

Yord Fandar (Charlie Barnett) in THE ACOLYTE from Lucasfilm, exclusively on Disney+. 2024 Lucasfilm Ltd. All rights reserved.

It's unclear which films he watched, but the Jedi are clearly never depicted as divine beings in any of the six films directed by George Lucas. In the original trilogy, the Jedi were clearly driven into exile and defeated by the Empire. In fact, Obi-Wan even informs Luke Skywalker that his father was killed by Darth Vader. Obviously, it will later be revealed that his father was consumed by the dark side and became Darth Vader.

In the prequels, it's very obvious that the Jedi can do a lot of harm. Qui-Gon Jinn expresses this several times to Obi-Wan Kenobi in The Phantom Menace. He is also killed by Maul at the end of the film. Yoda also makes it clear that the dark side has clouded his vision. Then, in Revenge of the Sith, it's made very clear that not all Jedi are powerful divine beings, as they are defeated by the Emperor's machinations, which involved their own clone troopers slaughtering many of them.

Alec Guinness as Obi-Wan Kenobi in Star Wars (1977), Lucasfilm

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Even though he tries to present himself as a fan, Barnett clearly doesn't know what he's talking about. But later in the interview, he made an even more serious faux pas. He stated that Anakin Skywalker destroyed the Death Star.

When asked about his character's relationship with good and evil in the series, Barnett responded in part: “That element of good and evil depends so much on your experiences, your history, your parents, your friends. There's so much bleeding in there. And that's what makes, you know, why Palpatine would go in the directions that he went in, as bad or good, whatever your perception is. Personally, I would consider this bad, but a lot of people would see that the sides were saying, “Well, Anakin just killed an entire Death Star.” How many people died because of this? Isn't that bad? I find this part of Star Wars truly human and the best.

Mark Hamill as Luke Skywalker in Star Wars (1977), Lucasfilm

In a separate interview with Collider, he reiterated his belief that Anakin blew up the Death Star. When asked about his character's view of evil and good as being in the eye of the beholder, Barnett responded in part: “In my mind, it's so funny to me, because, literally, as someone who is in the outside and just a fan coming, that was what was so beautiful and interesting to me.

He continued: “People talk to me online about how Darth Vader is such a bad person. It's very clear. And it's very well established from these actions. But if you can't watch and see that Anakin blows up the Death Star, killing millions and millions of people, I'm going to get in trouble for saying that now.

After Dafne Keen tells him to shut up, he continues: “That's the beauty of this story. And that's the beauty of life. It's not about not holding people to the fire when they make bad decisions or when they're bad, but it's important to recognize why they led to the places they led. I think that's why Lucas wrote it.

What do you think about Barnett claiming not once, but twice that Anakin Skywalker blew up the Death Star?

NEXT: Leslye Headland Says People Against Woke Are Not Star Wars Fans




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