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Love him or hate him, James Corden is back in the UK. So will the sniping stop now? | James Corden

Love him or hate him, James Corden is back in the UK.  So will the sniping stop now?  |  James Corden
Love him or hate him, James Corden is back in the UK.  So will the sniping stop now?  |  James Corden


James Corden is back in the UK and he's keeping himself busy. Last year, the 45-year-old quit his job as a chat show host for CBS's The Late Late Show, based in Los Angeles. A Christmas special is planned for Gavin & Stacey, the acclaimed BBC sitcom he created with co-star Ruth Jones. There's talk of a revival of One Man, Two Guvnors, the National Theater's critically acclaimed hit comedy that moved to Broadway and won Corden a Tony Award in 2012.

And later this month, Corden will appear at London's Old Vic in a short run of Joe Penhall's new play, The Constituent, directed by the theatre's artistic director, Matthew Warchus. Corden's first stage role since OneMan, Two Guvnors is seen as a departure (a gamble) for Corden, a serious work about the increasing stakes of public service politics.

All this and more, but in the UK at least, the question seems to forever hang over Corden's head like a publicity sword of Damocles.

To be honest, why don't you like that person? Why does a significant portion of the British public seem to like him?

Over the years, any discussion of Corden has sparked variations on the existing denigrated version of him: actor, comedian, writer, presenter, singer, producer. Is there anything James Corden can't ruin?

James Corden and his wife Julia Carey attended the 2024 Met Gala held in New York last month. Photo: Dimitrios Kambouris/Getty Images for Met Museum/Vogue

In fact, Corden is an international success story. Arguably one of Britain's most exciting global entertainment exports. It's rare for a Brit to succeed in America, but Corden has succeeded in two separate areas.

He appeared on The Late Late Show after a CBS executive saw him in the 18th-century Italian comedy One Man, Two Guvnors. The comedy was translated to seedy 1960s Brighton and was praised as one of the Nationals' funniest productions. The Cordens American show has been a David Letterman-style talk and comedy television institution since 1995, airing weeknights before a studio audience.

Corden, the fourth host hired after Tom Snyder, Craig Kilborn and Craig Ferguson, has largely won the hearts of American audiences with his puppy-dog playfulness and brio in the face of naysayers. He reportedly left the chat show after eight years because he wanted to raise his family in the UK. (Corden, his wife Julia Carey, and their three children have a home in Belsize Park, north London.)

You have to work really hard, but you also have to be generous, humble and brave. And he is all that Matthew Warchus

Warchus said he cast Corden in The Constituent. Because he knew he could play straight as well as comedic material. He also said he was looking for an opportunity to exercise those muscles.

Corden appears as a trio, including Anna Maxwell Martin and Zachary Hart. Warchus says there is no coasting. He has to work really hard, but at the same time be generous, humble and brave. And he is all of those things.

In the theater, Corden is better known for his energetic comedy, but Warchus wasn't fazed. Forty seconds into rehearsal I realized how good he was going to be. People will come to the theater with the James Corden version in their minds. Then, a completely different character will appear on stage and their preconceptions about him will disappear.

Corden has won numerous awards over his diverse career, including Baftas and Emmys. He owns Fulwell 73, a successful production company. He was awarded an OBE for services to drama in 2015. He even developed Carpool Karaoke (which he appeared on The Late Late Show), a long-running skit where he sings along with celebrities in their cars. He created a phenomenon with guests including Michelle Obama, Madonna and Paul McCartney.

On SiriusXM's This Life of Mine with James Corden in Los Angeles this April. Photo: Rodin Eckenroth/Getty Images for SiriusXM

Still, it's interesting how sticky Marmite Corden remains. His career is a strange mix of outstanding achievements, glowing accolades, and massive backlash. In a way that surpasses the worst moments of his work, such as the universally panned 2009 film Lesbian Vampire Killers or the 2019 film version of Cats (for which he won a Razzie Award for Worst Supporting Actor). Even Andrew Lloyd Webber criticized Corden's performance in Cats, revealing that he begged to be cut.

Cordens' public image dates back to the 2008 Bafta awards ceremony. Corden, who won the audience award for Gavin & Stacey (for which he already won best comedy performance), complained about the show not being nominated for best comedy. Public interest has been torn to shreds like damp tissue paper. He committed two cardinal English sins: ingratitude and arrogance.

Since then there has been a tsunami of accusations: rudeness; cold; Ignoring the studio audience. Ignoring my wife and baby on the plane. At another award show, he elegantly argued with Patrick Stewart on stage. (They later reconciled.) For Corden, social media is carnage. Gossip website Popbitch is spreading so many negative stories about him that he practically has part of the site to himself.

James Corden visited the White House for Carpool Karaoke with then-First Lady Michelle Obama. Photo: The Late Late Show

In October 2022, Corden was banned from New York restaurant Balthazar after controversy over an omelet containing his allergic wife's egg whites. Owner Keith McNally said he abused his staff. The ban was lifted after Corden apologized to McNally, but it was too late. A rude klaxon was heard from the waiting staff. Another cardinal British sin.

For Corden haters, this seemed to solidify the argument that he punches while he sucks. Certainly, he's amassed a veritable celebrity cast, including David Beckham, Adele, Ed Sheeran and Prince Harry. Apart from this, his style can be considered fundamentally more American (loud, brash, welcoming) than British. Is this part of it: Corden has been cast as one of the legendary tall poppies, but isn't British enough (subtle and self-effacing)?

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So he was on this roller coaster ride. The boy from High Wycombe was momentarily lost. I felt for him. Rob Brydon

There needs to be some explanation as to why even the foolishness of his youth was considered unforgivable to him, and why even his apologies and mistakes were ignored.

Speaking to Kirsty Young at Desert Island Discs in 2012, Corden regretted his brash behavior at the 2008 Baftas and said how unprepared he was for fame, with Gavin & Stacey co-star Rob Brydon criticizing him for it. I recalled a lunch where I was trying to give advice to . . Brydon also recalled his concerns about Corden. So he was on this roller coaster ride. This boy from High Wycombe had me momentarily lost in the emotions I felt for him.

Reading about Corden almost makes you feel bad for him. You begin to thirst (actively hunt) for positive thoughts. In fact, there are many reasons to like Corden.

First of all, he's a self-made man, he's no Nepo Baby, and he's definitely not flashy. (Formerly an RAF musician, his father sold Christian books and Bibles, and his mother was a social worker.) Cordens made millions from the get-go.

James Corden in the award-winning comedy One Man, Two Guvnors. Photo: Tristram Kenton/The Guardian

Corden, a hard-working and accomplished man, seems to be especially highly regarded in non-recurring theaters. One Man, Two Guvnors director Sir Nicholas Hytner has dismissed past criticism of Corden in particular.

So he went out to a few parties, got beaten up a few times, shut up, and made a terrible movie. Serial killers have an easier ride than lesbian vampire killers, Hytner told the New Yorker.

James Corden rehearsing for The Constituent at The Old Vic in London. Photo: Manuel Harlan

Alan Bennett also saw something in Corden when he was cast as Timms in The History Boys at the National Theater in 2004 (later made into a 2006 film) and urged him to unleash his natural wit.

Corden started out as a theater kid, training at the Jackie Palmer Stage School in High Wycombe, Buckinghamshire, which Eddie Redmayne also attended.

The Constituent is far from departing, but he may be coming home. Or, less emotionally, he's entered some kind of reputational rehabilitation that proves he's worthy of treading the boards, a galaxy far, far away from social media punishment beatings.

Do people really hate him as much as they say? Clearly, there are very mixed signals. The last Gavin & Stacey Christmas special was the highest-rated show in the UK for more than a decade.

Many people would see this as the price of fame. Others may question whether such constant industry-level attacks and ridicule can ever be justified. And why Cordens' apology for his wrongdoing was ignored.

Are we at risk of becoming an endless national crisis? When it comes to the British public and James Corden, we can get to the point where, interestingly enough, it's not him, it's us.




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