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Maya Hawke says nepotism led to 'Once Upon a Time in Hollywood' role

Maya Hawke says nepotism led to 'Once Upon a Time in Hollywood' role
Maya Hawke says nepotism led to 'Once Upon a Time in Hollywood' role


Maya Hawke has accepted the term “nepo baby”.

THE Stranger Things star, daughter of actors Uma Thurman and Ethan Hawke, recently opened up to London weather on her way to Hollywood, recognizing that she had an advantage thanks to her parents.

While questioning whether she deserves the success she has received in the industry, Hawke said, “'deserve' is a complicated word. There are so many people who deserve to have this kind of life who don't, but I think I'm comfortable not deserving it and doing it anyway. And I know that not doing so wouldn't help anyone. I saw two paths when I started, and one of them was: change your name, get a nose job, and move into casting roles.

Hawke said she was “comfortable” choosing the second option and accepting his nepotism, even if it leads to jokes.

“It’s normal to make fun when you’re in rarefied air. It’s a lucky place,” said the get revenge » added the actress. “My relationship with my parents is truly honest and positive, and that goes beyond anything that can be said.”

Elsewhere in the interview, Hawke recalled comments she made to The Hollywood Reporter in 2019 about his role in Quentin Tarantino's film Once upon a time in Hollywood — one of his first major projects.

“I got an audition for the project through normal channels, through my agents,” she said at the time. “I auditioned in my bedroom with my dad. We sent the tape to Quentin and I got a call back.

Hawke was later teased for her remarks, which implied she was chosen for the film based solely on her skills. However, she has now clarified her comments, admitting nepotism played a role.

“I was made fun of for this clip when I said on the red carpet that I had auditioned,” said the Maestro said the actress. “I never wanted to suggest that I didn’t get the role for nepotistic reasons – I think I totally got it.”

The “Nepo baby” discourse has multiplied in recent years, particularly after a 2022 New York Review story that delved into the invisible web of family ties that can give celebrities' children an edge in the industry.

Several other celebrities have already spoken out on the subject, including Lily Allen, daughter of British actor Keith Allen: “Nepo babies, I think it's a bit like 'Karen', in the sense that it's just a word that's basically used for women who take up space, and we'd rather they didn't, and they should just go away,'” she told him. You miss me podcast last month. “Besides [Alfie Allen]for example, it's not called nepo baby, and that's the case for me.




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