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Bengaluru's play 'Earthquake' explores loneliness through unspoken words

Bengaluru's play 'Earthquake' explores loneliness through unspoken words
Bengaluru's play 'Earthquake' explores loneliness through unspoken words


A snapshot from the play Image source: special arrangement

Last Page Collective's upcoming production, The Earthquake, promises a poignant exploration of a universal theme: the weight of unspoken words in human relationships. The play, directed by Samrajni Dasgupta, is an adaptation of the play Bhūmikampa – Das Erdbeben, which was originally written in a mixture of English, German and Bengali. This original, multilingual story signals the play's ambition to transcend cultural barriers and resonate with a global audience.

Drawing on her background in acting and directing, Samrajni reimagined the script for a local audience. It retains the basic themes but combines dialogue with English, Malayalam and Hindi, allowing the actors, Leslie Amol Simeon and Thamam Mubarish, to inhabit their characters entirely through their mother tongue. This linguistic diversity reflects the experience of multiculturalism in Bengaluru itself.

The simple, single-seat set design focuses squarely on the actors and the unspoken emotions that dance between them. “The constraints of minimalism allow the audience to focus entirely on the actors, and on the other hand, it challenges the actors to be completely vulnerable without being able to hide behind the set,” says Samrajni.

Shania Mathew, assistant director, explains the role of the audience in this intimate space: “We want the audience to feel the tension. We want them to hear every sigh, every hesitation, and also the silence.”

“Earthquake” delves into the complexities of modern life, particularly the isolated nature of urban existence in a city like Bengaluru. The director explains: “The play explores themes of communication in a society that is beginning to adopt a more individual nature. We hope that the secluded urban life that many Bangaloreans live will be represented here.

Far from the particularities of Bengaluru, the play deals with a universal human condition – loneliness. “The idea for this collaboration started with a conversation about unity,” says Samrajni.

“The play addresses the factors that prevent us from being our most vulnerable selves,” Shania adds. “It asks the question: Can we, or rather, is it possible, to shed all our layers in front of our comrades?”

The collaboration between Samrajne and German playwright Marvin Krauss seems to add another layer of depth. “We wanted to know how stream-of-consciousness play could work,” says Samrajni. “A play is just a conversation between two people.” Despite their different cultural backgrounds, Samrajni emphasizes the human connection that transcended these barriers: “It was only after we wrote the play that we realized how different we were.” This cross-cultural dialogue enriches the exploration of human communication in the play.

The earthquake is not about providing answers, but raising questions. Shania explains the audience's role as active interpreters: “We have deliberately ignored clues and hints. The play is an experience… We want to leave them with questions, not answers, and we hope that these questions will lead them to examine their role in their personal relationships.”

With its minimalist aesthetic, multilingual dialogue, and exploration of unspoken truths, The Earthquake promises a thought-provoking experience. This is a play that invites audiences not only to watch, but to participate and reflect on their own relationships and the unspoken words that still linger within them.

'Earthquake' (in English), directed by Samrajni Dasgupta, will be screened at the Goethe-Institut/Max Müller Bhavan Bangalore on June 5, at 7:30 pm. Tickets on BookMyShow.

A snapshot from the play Image source: special arrangement

A snapshot from the play Image source: special arrangement




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