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“An Earthquake is Coming” – The investigation into the Panama Papers and Black 17 is over

“An Earthquake is Coming” – The investigation into the Panama Papers and Black 17 is over
“An Earthquake is Coming” – The investigation into the Panama Papers and Black 17 is over


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Another judicial investigation that could have major political ramifications – into the Panama Papers and Black 17 – appears to have concluded, just over a month after the conclusion of the Vitals investigation that led to the prosecution of former Prime Minister Joseph Muscat and several others. High-level individuals.

News of the investigation's outcome was broken by Nationalist Party MEP David Casa and his lawyer and former MP Jason Azzopardi, both of whom expect its findings to be of particular interest. Casa noted that he was predicting a “tsunami,” while Azzopardi similarly predicted an “earthquake” in a social media post that also used an image of a mushroom cloud — typically associated with nuclear explosions — to make the point.

Azzopardi also confirmed that “key members of the Labor government and businessmen are set to be charged with bribery and money laundering,” without going into details.

The investigation was launched after the Panama Papers leak confirmed that Muscat's chief of staff Keith Schembri and Minister Konrad Mizzi – now co-accused and facing similar charges of bribery, money laundering and criminal association – had opened secret offshore companies in Panama soon after. General elections 2013.

Leaked emails later suggested that their companies were prepared to receive money from an Emirati company called 17 Black, which eventually turned out to be owned by Jurgen Fenech, the then CEO of the Thomas Group and a director of Electrogas who is now chairman of the board. Awaiting trial for the murder of Daphne Caruana Galizia.

The then National Party leader Simon Busuttil had requested a judicial inquiry into the Panama Papers scandal, while Casa had requested an inquiry into the Black 17 case: the two requests were combined into one.

In 2018, Casa leaked a FIAU report showing that around €1.3 million had been transferred to 17 Black: On Tuesday, the MEP noted that Labor MPs had called for criminal proceedings to be taken against him over this leak, which came from a “courageous source”. . When their bosses wanted to bury the results.

He said he, Busuttil and the NGO Repubblica had sought a judicial investigation amid “little hope that a hijacked police force would do its job.”

Among other things, he said, the investigation appears to have investigated the relationship between 17 Black, Mizzi and Schembri.

“We deserve justice. At its core, this case is about the betrayal of the Maltese people by a mafia that puts its greed above all else. But justice is now at hand, and we are finally seeing the results of the work we began so many years ago. Moving forward,” Casa said. “We must further strengthen our efforts to ensure that justice is not derailed or subverted.”

The MEP also said he would formally request a copy of the investigation.

Daphne's son recalls how his late mother exposed Schembri and Mizzi as well as 17 Black, and that Fenech would order her murder shortly after the post was published on 17 Black.

He also praised Azzopardi's “heroic act”, noting that his family was fortunate to have him as their lawyer.

PN insists that the investigation report should be published

In a statement penned by Shadow Justice Secretary Karol Aquilina, the National Party insisted that the investigation report must be published without delay “so that the Maltese people can find out who is behind them”.

Aquilina said the party also expects the Attorney General and Police Commissioner to commit to following up on the investigating judge's findings without fear or favour.

He said both public officials “have the duty and responsibility…to allocate all necessary human and financial resources so that they can act on the results of the investigation in the shortest possible time, recalling all individuals – whoever they may be.” They may be behind the Black 17 and the revelations in the Panama Papers.

The MP said they would both be held responsible if the investigation ended up “arbitrarily and illegally” in the hands of Prime Minister Robert Abela – and stressed that the same happened with the hospital concession investigation – so that Abela could influence the narrative and judicial process to achieve his own goals.

He pointed out that the investigation was carried out only through the efforts of the Nationalist Party and Republica, which followed the work of Daphne Caruana Galizia.

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