Whooping cough epidemic spreads in the US, focus on symptoms and vaccine
Case Study Whooping cough Cases are rising across the country, with current cases nearly three times higher than at this time last year, according to data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
So far in 2024, 4,864 cases of whooping cough have been reported across the U.S., up from 1,746 reported during the same week in 2023, according to the CDC.
The Lexington-Fayette County Health Department in Kentucky recently Declared a respiratory disease outbreak A total of nine cases have been confirmed in the region since late April.
The Oregon Health Authority is also concerned about the surge in whooping cough cases and is recommending vaccination against the disease. In a notice last Thursday, the Oregon Health Authority said there had been more than 100 cases of whooping cough as of May 29. 178 cases of whooping cough will be reported in 2024 From nine counties.
That represents a 770% increase from the 20 cases reported by the same date in 2023, but the numbers are consistent with those seen during similar periods in 2018 and 2019, according to OHA.
“What concerns us is that we have seen such a rapid increase in the number of whooping cough cases, which indicates that the disease is doing what it does best – spreading rapidly and causing great harm to unvaccinated people,” Paul Cieslak, OHA's medical director for infectious diseases and immunization, said in the notice.
Here's what you need to know about the disease, including symptoms and vaccine information.
What is whooping cough?
According to the CDC, whooping cough is a respiratory illness caused by a type of bacteria called Bordetella pertussis.
The disease, which only occurs in humans, is caused when the bacteria Bordetella pertussis attaches to the cilia that line parts of the upper respiratory tract, releasing toxins that damage the cilia and cause airway swelling, according to the CDC.
What are the symptoms of whooping cough?
According to the CDC, usually It takes 5 to 10 days for symptoms to appear It may take up to three weeks for symptoms to appear after exposure to the bacteria.
According to the CDC, early symptoms of whooping cough resemble a cold and can last for one to two weeks. These symptoms include:
- Runny or stuffy nose
- Slight fever (less than 100.4°F)
- Mild, occasional cough
A week or two after the first symptoms begin, people may experience fits, or coughing attacks, that usually last for one to six weeks but can last up to 10 weeks. According to the CDC, these coughing attacks typically get worse and become more frequent as the illness continues.
According to the agency, many babies with whooping cough don't cough at all and instead develop apnea, a life-threatening cessation of breathing.
The CDC recommends seeing a health care provider if you or your child is coughing severely and seeking immediate treatment if you are having trouble breathing.
Is there a whooping cough vaccine?
According to the CDC, there are two vaccines available: Preventing whooping coughBoth also have preventative effects against other diseases.
- Diphtheria, tetanus, and pertussis (DTaP) vaccine
- Tetanus, diphtheria, and pertussis (Tdap) vaccine
According to the CDC, infants and children under 7 receive the DTaP vaccine, and older children and adults receive the Tdap vaccine. The agency recommends that all infants, children, teens, and pregnant women get the whooping cough vaccine.
According to the CDC, adults who have never received the vaccine should also get the Tdap shot.
How does whooping cough spread?
The CDC: The bacteria that causes whooping cough spreads easily It spreads from person to person through the air.
When a person with whooping cough sneezes or coughs, tiny particles containing the bacteria are expelled, which can be inhaled by other people.
People can still spread the bacteria for at least two weeks after they start showing symptoms, according to the CDC, and taking antibiotics early in the illness may shorten the time they're contagious, the CDC said.
How is whooping cough diagnosed and treated?
According to the CDC, whooping cough can be difficult to diagnose because the signs and symptoms are similar to other respiratory illnesses.
Healthcare workers Diagnosing whooping cough Do the following:
- History of typical signs and symptoms
- Physical examination
- Laboratory tests on a mucus sample taken from the back of the throat
- Blood test
Healthcare workers typically treat the illness with antibiotics, but severe symptoms may require further care in a hospital, according to the CDC.
Gabe Haouari is a national trend news reporter for USA Today. You can follow him on X. @gabehauari Or email me at [email protected].
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