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Shake Alert uses new technology to make earthquake warnings more accurate

Shake Alert uses new technology to make earthquake warnings more accurate


SACRAMENTO — A new technology is being unveiled that could help give people more time to move to safety when a strong earthquake strikes.

My Shake can send a vibration alert before strong shaking starts, and now the data behind those warnings is more accurate.

When an earthquake hits California, the app is designed to instantly send a warning to give people up to several seconds to take cover before powerful seismic waves hit.

The vibrating alert system has been active since 2019, said Robert De Groot of the US Geological Survey.

“We know this tool is effective and has a lot of potential for everyone in California,” he said.

The vibration alert system previously relied on a network of ground-based seismometers, but now it also uses GPS sensors. These devices can measure the strength of an earthquake from space satellites.

“Instead of measuring how fast the Earth is moving, [which] “That's what seismometers do,” De Groot said. “We're now measuring how far it moves up, down and sideways. What that translates to, potentially, is sending alerts to people faster.”

De Groot said the new data could more accurately determine the magnitude of larger earthquakes such as the Loma Prieta quake that struck San Francisco in 1989.

“We need this additional information to give us a more accurate and perhaps quicker characterization of how strong the earthquake is,” he said.

Early warning also buys time to automatically stop trains, open doors at fire stations, and close pipelines, actions that can help save lives.

“The further away you get, the more warning time you'll get,” De Groot said. “Even a few seconds matter.”

Shake Alert also covers Oregon and Washington.

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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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