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World earthquake report for Friday, August 7, 2020 / VolcanoDiscovery


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See also: Monthly reports, global earthquake report for Friday, August 7, 2020

Friday, August 07, 2020 6:20 AM | By: seismologist

Earthquakes worldwide above magnitude 3 during the past 24 hours on August 7, 2020

Summary: 9 Earthquakes 5.0+, 17 Earthquake 4.0+, 85 Earthquake 3.0+, 172 Earthquake 2.0+ (283 total) This report is updated every hour.

Earthquake Force 5: 9 Earthquakes 4 + Earthquake 17: Earthquake 3 + 85 Earthquake of magnitude 2+: 172 Earthquakes no earthquake of magnitude 6 or higher

Total seismic energy estimates: 6.2 x 1013 joules (17.3 gigawatt hours, equivalent to 14910 tons of TNT or 0.9 atomic bomb!) [learn more]List of the Top 10 Earthquakes in the World (Past 24 Hours): # 1: Earthquake 5.6 M: Prince Edward Island in Khamis, 6 August 23h36 # 2: M 5.5 Earthquake: Near the coast of Peru in Thursday, August 6 22h18 # 3: Earthquake M 5.4: North of Algeria on Friday, August 7 06h15 # 4: Earthquake 5.3 m: Buru, Indonesia on Friday, August 7 03h00 # 5: Earthquake 5.1: Southern Fiji Islands (New Zealand) on Thursday, August 6 12h46 # 6: Earthquake 5.1 M: Easter Island area in Thu, 6 August 13h57 # 7: M 5.1 Earthquake: near S. Coast of Western Honshu (Japan) in Thu, 6 August 15h34 # 8: M 5.0 Earthquake: Talaud Islands, Indonesia in Thu, 6 August 15h40 # 9: Earthquake 5.0 M: southeast of the Loyalty Islands (New Caledonia) on Friday, August 7 04h39 # 10: Earthquake 4.8: off the coast of North Sumatra (Indonesia) on Thursday, August 6 10h12:

The number of earthquakes and energy emitted against time

The number of earthquakes and energy emitted versus volume

The magnitude of earthquakes and energy emitted against time

The largest 20 earthquakes over 24 hours The largest 20 earthquakes on the sticks, 6 since 2020 A complete list of earthquakes (newer and archive) Previous story

Friday 07 August 2020

Friday 07 August 2020

Summary: 7 earthquakes 5.0+, 12 earthquakes 4.0+, 92 earthquakes 3.0+, 174 earthquakes 2.0+ (total of 285) … read all

Thursday 06 August 2020

Thursday 06 August 2020

Go to the August 2020 Daily Reports: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 Summary: 3 earthquakes 6.0+, 36 earthquakes 5.0+, 177 earthquakes 4.0+, 523 earthquakes 3.0+, 1017 earthquakes 2.0+ (total 1756) … Read all about VolcanoDiscovery: Raung volcano photos: one of the largest and most active volcanoes In East Java, Raung rarely became unknown and relatively unknown well-known during its last eruption in 2015 when repeated ash plumes were forced to frequent closure of Bali Airport. Large volcano photo: Gorely is a young and very active shield volcano in the south of Kamchatka. It is one of the easiest volcanoes in Kamchatka to climb and offers stunning views of the vast craters and surrounding landscape. Volcano images: Promo is one of the most visited volcanoes in Indonesia. It’s the most active ventilation shaft within the massive Tengger caldera and erupting every few years. Guatemala’s photos: Guatemala – volcanoes’ land and colorful Mayan culture with astonishing diversity. A dream destination for volcanic lovers and photographers!

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