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New study finds rising number of college students diagnosed with PTSD

New study finds rising number of college students diagnosed with PTSD


ST. PETERSBURG, Fla. — June is PTSD Awareness Month, and advocates are focusing on ways to raise awareness about treatment options.

What you need to know

  • June is PTSD Awareness Month
  • Focused on raising awareness about treatment options
  • According to a recent survey, Cases increased by 4.1% Among university students from 2017 to 2022

As summer semester begins on college campuses across the country, more college students are being diagnosed with PTSD, according to a recently published study. JAMA Network OpenThis suggests that the prevalence of PTSD among college students increased significantly between 2017 and 2022.

Research shows:

  • 4.1% increase in cases from 2017 to 2022
  • 2017-2018: 3.4% of participants were diagnosed with PTSD
  • 2021-2022: 7.5% of participants were diagnosed with PTSD.

Shaniya Turner, executive director of integrated student services and college success at St. Petersburg College, said she was unfortunately not surprised by the data.

“Mental illness diagnoses are really on the rise,” she said, “and college students seem to be hit especially hard.”
Surveys have cited social and cultural concerns, pandemic-related stress and the impact of traumatic events such as school shootings as factors contributing to the increase — concerns Turner said SPC students especially are sympathetic to.

“I think financial stress is definitely one of the biggest stressors we're facing, especially here in the Tampa Bay area,” she said. “I think everybody is aware of what's going on with inflation, the rising cost of living, and our students are no exception.”
Experts say the findings suggest that further prevention and intervention strategies are needed.

“The onus is not just on school officials and leaders, but often on policymakers to make sure that funding is available for these types of programs,” Turner said.

She said that a campus like S.P.C. Robust Program To help students connect with counseling and resources, data like the recent survey shows that universities need to step up their supports and services.

“In terms of students, we need to continue to train our faculty and staff on trauma-informed care and mental health understanding,” she said. “We're already doing a lot of that, so we just need to continue that work and make sure we're reaching everyone we can.”

If you or someone you know is struggling with mental health issues, the Suicide and Crisis Lifeline (988) is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.




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