Some COVID-19 Patients Report Hair Loss After Months-National
Some recovered Coronavirus According to a Canadian dermatologist, patients are experiencing hair loss and are seeking help.
“I’ve seen it in some of my patients infected with coronaviruses,” says Dr Julia Carroll, a Toronto-based dermatologist.
According to Carroll, people who experience sudden hair loss are “very annoyed” about hair loss.
“Horror we get a lot of panicked phones and texts in the office because they will lose all their hair when it starts to happen. And for many, hair is confident and I think it’s an important factor in how you present yourself to the world.”
Dr. Jeff Donovan, a hair loss specialist in Whistler, British Columbia and chairman of the Canadian Hair Loss Foundation, also doesn’t know how common this is overall, but he saw some cases in his clinic. Said that. “Sure, I know now that this is part of a variety of conditions, but I don’t know the numbers yet.”
According to Carroll, the problem reported by the patient is called resting hair loss. It is a well-known condition, a reaction to high stress situations, whether it is severe illness or intense emotional stress. It generally causes not a bald patch, but an overall thinning of hair across the scalp, she said.
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“Your hair is always at a different stage,” she said. “It’s in the growing season, the resting period, and finally the dropout period. Fortunately, for most people, about 80% of our hair lives in that growing period. But on your body When there is stress, there is a shift and a higher percentage of hair goes into shedding.”
“It’s almost like a safety measure in a sense,” said Donovan.
“When the body is stressed, sick, loses weight, or has a viral infection, most of the hair on the scalp is explained as follows. Currently, we use all resources to grow these hairs. You can’t throw it in. You need to focus on other parts of the body to make sure they are working well: heart, lungs, liver, kidneys. I’m going to spend and get rid of these hairs.”
According to Donovan, it doesn’t fall all at once. Hair typically stays for about three months.
It has been difficult to tie this type of hair loss, especially to the SARS-CoV-2 virus, but many could cause an increase in hair “hair loss”, he said.
Hair loss was reported Patients infected with the Spanish flu in 1918, He said. High fever and other serious symptoms appear to contribute to the onset of symptoms.
But even among those with mild symptoms of COVID-19, or even those who have no illness at all, the emotional stress of surviving a pandemic may also be sacrificed, he said. It was.
“This is a very stressful time and we have a dropout rate that we have never seen before.”
Carroll believes this phenomenon is primarily due to stress, but Donovan believes it may also be directly related to the virus.
“I think it’s a mistake to say that these people are dropping out simply because of stress. It’s a complex virus. It does a lot to every organ in the body that we don’t yet understand. To do.”
Carol and Donovan have good news. Hair will probably return.
“Let’s say you have a dropout period of about 4-6 weeks,” Carroll said. “After that, the hair starts to grow again.” But she said, if you have more hair than your shoulder length, it will take a while for the new hair to catch up.
“The prognosis for many is good,” said Donovan. “The recommendation for most people is to read it and continue without formal treatment. Patients always want to do something. But in reality, this is, of course, natural. It’s self-solving.”
He said that like minoxidil, there are treatments available for particularly bad or long-term cases—commonly known under the brand name Rogaine.
Hair loss is alarming, according to Donovan, but probably not permanent in this condition.
“It’s hard for people to understand that this will eventually stop. Unfortunately it’s a long process, but in most cases it’s solved.”
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