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'A Quick 5' starring Bradley Adam Stein, actor in 'Everybodys Talking About Jamie' presented by Iron Crow Theater at Theater Project

'A Quick 5' starring Bradley Adam Stein, actor in 'Everybodys Talking About Jamie' presented by Iron Crow Theater at Theater Project
'A Quick 5' starring Bradley Adam Stein, actor in 'Everybodys Talking About Jamie' presented by Iron Crow Theater at Theater Project


Bradley Adam Stein, actor. Photo courtesy of Iron Crow Theater.

Iron Crow Theatre's production of Everybodys Talking About Jamie opens this Friday at Theater Project. It is a series based on the true story of a 16-year-old British schoolboy, Jamie Campbell. As Jamie discovers he doesn't fit in with the other kids, he dreams of becoming a professional drag queen. He finds support from his mother and friends as he tries to achieve his dreams. This is one of the first productions of this musical in the United States, premiering in England in 2017. With book and lyrics by Tom Macrae and music by Dan Gillespie Sells, the musical is based on a idea of ​​Jonathan Butterell (who also directed the film version). The production is directed by Iron Crow Artistic Director Sean Elias.

Bradley Adam Stein plays Jamie and the rest of the cast includes Hana Clarice, Courtney Simmons, Nicholas Miles, Asia-Lig Arnold, Isabelle Pickering, Jake Stibbe, Whitney Chantl, Kiley Ernest, Allison Farrall, Liz Gutridge, Brooke Donald, Michael Christopher, Mateen Kane, Adrian Graham-Chesnavage, Garrett Matthews, Dean Whitfield and Stephen A. Foreman.

The creative team includes Allison Bradbury, assistant director and musical director; Arthur Cuadros, choreographer; Chris Miller, set design; Thomas P. Gardner, lighting design; and J. Ethan Henry, costume design.

BradleyAdam Stein (All Pronouns) (Jamie New) is excited to debut Iron Crow in this fabulous show! Most recently, Bradley was at the Rocky Horror Show at the Milton Theater in Delaware. Bradley attended Marymount Manhattan College where they played Rusty in Starlight Express and Leo Frank in Parade. Many thanks to their family, friends and mentors.

Can you tell us a little more about yourself?
I grew up in Rockville, Maryland and moved to New York in 2015 to study musical theater and have lived there ever since. I had so many different opportunities there, including acting in various plays, singing in 54 Below, and producing a new musical called Heartbreak County. I'm a loving dog dad to a 13 year old Maltese, I love reading fantasy series and I'm way too obsessed with cartoons.

Who would you say is your biggest influence in your acting style?
My second grade drama teacher taught us all about the physical side of acting. I never thought my body could create as many shapes and move in as many ways as it does in her class. While it's important to know and experience your character's inner life, if you don't bring this thought process to fruition, the audience has no way of understanding your character.

How are you and the character you play, Jamie New, doing? Different?
Jamie and I both built strong walls to protect ourselves. We find strength in our queerness, but we've also had to overcome a lot of adversity and prejudice because of it. We both have very strong bonds with our mothers and, of course, a deep appreciation for the art of drag. Where we differ is Jamie's immaturity due to his age. But even that reminds me of myself at his age.

What do you want the audience to understand about Jamie from your performance?
I want people to know that there is a Jamie in all of us. I want them to imagine the beauty that can flourish in themselves and their loved ones when they are encouraged to be themselves and live authentically.

Is there a dream role you would like to play in the future?
Although I work primarily in musical theater, I dream of one day playing the comic book character Wiccan (a young superhero from the Marvel Comics universe) in a live action adaptation.

Everybodys Talking About Jamie will be performed June 14-30, 2024, presented by Iron Crow Theater at the Baltimore Theater Project, 45 West Preston Street, Baltimore, MD 21201. For more information and to purchase tickets, visit online.

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