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CDC says Arkansas, 32 other states may see rise in coronavirus cases

CDC says Arkansas, 32 other states may see rise in coronavirus cases


As each COVID-19 variant becomes more contagious, experts expect Arkansas to see a surge in cases over the summer, but say the risk of severe illness that leads to hospitalization or death remains low for most people.

“Right now, interest rates are relatively low. [of hospitalizations] “The situation is better than it has been at other times during the pandemic, so we're hopeful, but as much as we're hopeful, I would encourage people to be prepared,” said Dr. Robert Hopkins, chairman of the department of internal medicine at the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences.

Hopkins said there has been a slight increase in cases in recent weeks, but the numbers are nowhere near the increases the state saw over the winter.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimated that COVID-19 cases were increasing or likely to increase in at least 33 states and the District of Columbia as of Tuesday, based on emergency department visit data.

That includes Arkansas, which has been identified as a potential hotspot for the virus.

Until recently, the most common COVID-19 strain was KP.2, according to the CDC.

In the week ending June 8, KP.3 accounted for an estimated 25% of cases, and KP.2 for 22.5%.

Both belong to a group of variants called FLiRT, which, according to an article in Scientific American, is an acronym for the amino acids involved in the mutations in the variants' spike protein.

Dr. Marty Sharkey, a consultant to the CDC and former Fayetteville public health director, said KP.3 is similar to variants that have emerged in summers over the past few years.

“What we're seeing with this variant is the same as what we're seeing with any new variant, which is that symptoms are slightly less severe, people are healthier, but it's highly contagious,” Sharkey said.

She said she doesn't expect a very large spike in cases and that the state will continue to see the same number of cases as it has in the past few weeks.

“While COVID-19 cases in the community continue to remain low, with some daily hospitalizations and unfortunately deaths, we do not anticipate an increase in cases as we move into the summer and fall,” Sharkey said.

Ann Pace, owner and pharmacist at Kavanaugh Pharmacy in Little Rock, said she has noticed an increase in sales of at-home coronavirus test kits over the past two weeks.

“We're definitely seeing an increase in COVID-19 cases as we see sales of test kits go up,” she said, “and we're also getting a lot of calls from patients who have tested positive for the at-home test and are now experiencing symptoms.”

Dr. Megan Repp, a pediatrician at the Central Arkansas Children's Clinic in Benton, said about 10 cases have been confirmed at her clinic over the past week and the symptoms are similar to those of previous variants.

“Typically, symptoms are mild and flu-like,” Repp said. “Most people experience symptoms such as headache, stuffy nose, muscle aches, and some may experience nausea and vomiting.”

Many infections likely remain unidentified, she said.

“Because the guidelines for isolating and avoiding contact with others are a lot more relaxed than they were in the past, a lot of parents don't necessarily see the value in getting their kids tested,” Repp said, “so there's a little bit of test fatigue. We're seeing kids who maybe had COVID or were known contacts but didn't get tested.”

An improved vaccine is expected to be available this fall, but Repp said her clinic hasn't seen high demand for the vaccine currently available.

“Very few parents are willing to get the COVID vaccine for their children,” Repp said, “so we still have COVID vaccine in stock, but we're running into the issue of the vaccine expiring before patients want it.”

Last year, Arkansas saw a total of 204 COVID-19 hospitalizations and 37 deaths throughout the month of May, according to data on the state health department's website. This May, there have been 81 reported hospitalizations and zero deaths.

Hopkins said people over 65 and those who are not up to date on vaccinations are at higher risk for severe illness.

“Unfortunately, less than 20% of the Arkansas population has received the recent booster dose,” he said of the improved vaccine released last year.

My Ly is an American Legion member report.




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