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New clues about the mystery of virus replication. Non-COVID vaccine may help


(Reuters)-The following is a summary of some of the latest scientific research on the new coronavirus and efforts to find cures and vaccines for the virus-caused disease COVID-19.

Photo of file: The exhibition hall, converted into a makeshift treatment facility to treat patients with coronavirus disease (COVID-19), is depicted in Hong Kong, China on August 1, 2020. REUTERS/ Pak Yiu

“Missing link” is found in the virus reproduction cycle

Researchers may have discovered a missing link in the coronavirus reproductive cycle that could potentially be targeted by drugs, according to a Thursday report in Science. Scientists have already known that when a virus enters a cell, it forms a double-membrane sac, or vesicle, where it makes a copy of the genetic material. However, the sac appears to be closed, and it was previously unclear how genetic material would move from the sac into the intracellular fluids where new virus particles would assemble. Elixnyder of the Leiden University Medical Center and his colleagues have discovered a small channel through both membranes that is wide enough to allow passage of genetic material. “In the electron microscope image, you can see the “things” protruding from these channels. Probably this “thing” is the outgoing viral RNA, but since the sample is frozen, it’s immobile and we need to find a way. “To properly identify “things” as viral RNA,” Snijder told Reuters. “For some reason blocking this channel can cause big problems for the virus to do the trick,” he added. ()

Data suggesting safety and benefits of non-COVID vaccines

Two new studies require further work to determine their potential efficacy against COVID-19, but those who have been vaccinated with other viruses have less or less severe coronavirus infections. I found that it wasn’t. According to a study published in Cell Reports Medicine on Wednesday, those who had received the BCG tuberculosis vaccine in the last three years had not developed a more severe coronavirus infection. “The results of the ongoing BCG trial are needed before a final conclusion can be made,” said Mihai Netea, co-author of Radboud University Medical Center. A study separate from the Mayo Clinic, which was posted online prior to peer review, found that those who received other vaccines such as influenza, pneumonia, and hepatitis in the last five years had lower coronavirus infection rates. .. Netea suggested that Mayo Clinic’s report was that “the beneficial effects of the vaccine may be wider than currently known,” and his team have seen similar data on the influenza vaccine. (; )

Graphic: Vaccines and treatments under development here

High viral load in asymptomatic patients

Asymptomatic COVID-19 patients may carry large amounts of new coronavirus to the nose, throat, and lungs, and load tends to decline more slowly than symptomatic patients, according to a JAMA internal medicine report on Thursday. there is. Researchers investigated 303 young and healthy patients isolated at a regional treatment center in South Korea. Approximately one-third were asymptomatic when diagnosed, and about 20% of this group developed symptoms during isolation. Multiple tests over a period of about a month showed similar viral load in asymptomatic and asymptomatic people. Tests could not distinguish between active or infectious virus particles and inactive particles. “We need extensive rigorous epidemiological and research to better understand the shedding of the virus and the potential infectious potential of subclinical infections,” the researchers wrote. ()

Cancer detection rates in the US fell during a pandemic

According to new data from JAMA Network Open, the average number of weekly diagnoses of six common cancers in the United States fell by 46% in the early stages of a pandemic. More than 278,000 people with new diagnoses of breast, colorectal, lung, pancreatic, gastric, or esophageal cancer from early January to mid-April were led by Dr. Harvey Kaufman of Quest Diagnostics. I investigated the patient. In January and February, they reported averaging 4,310 new cancers a week were diagnosed. Since March 1, the weekly diagnosis has dropped from 25% to 52%. “Some cancers grow very slowly, while others grow a little faster, and these delays can be significant for some patients,” Kaufman said. The American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) recommends cancer screening that requires postponement of face-to-face visits during the pandemic. However, this is not a comprehensive statement, ASCO Chief Medical Officer Dr. Richard L. Schilsky told Reuters. “These are decisions that have to be weighed between doctors and patients,” he said, and they must take into account the patient’s cancer risk and possible COVID-19 exposure. Added. ()

Report by Nancy Rapid and Anne Harding. Edited by Tiffany Wu


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