Diet Health Checkup Tool, Counseling Helps Heart Health
According to the new report, a quick and easy questionnaire in the clinic will help fight the poor diet, one of the leading causes of cardiovascular disease.
What you eat and how much you eat can affect other heart risk factors such as high cholesterol, high blood pressure, diabetes, and overweight. According to the 2017 Global Burden of Disease Study, which investigated the health effects of diets in 195 countries, about 11 million deaths and about half of the world’s deaths from heart disease could be attributed to poor diets. there is.
A new scientific statement from the American Heart Association published in the magazine Circulation: Cardiovascular Quality and Outcomes on Friday called for regular health care visits to include some form of dietary assessment and counseling. I am. The diet screening tool can be integrated into electronic medical records in all healthcare environments, the statement said.
Mayavadivelo, a nutrition epidemiologist who chairs the statement’s group, said in a news release that “When addressing modifiable risk factors during regular clinic visits, dietary patterns and quality are given sufficient priority. No.” “Given the evidence that diet contributes to illness and mortality, it is a risk factor worth continuous screening.”
The statement authors reviewed 15 existing screening tools to ask about the consumption of fruits, vegetables, processed foods with sugar, juices and alcohol.
The statement did not endorse any particular tool, but effective screening is quick to use, evidence-based, and should ask about not just a single food or nutrient, but an entire dietary pattern. Said.
The tools should also provide guidance and support, the authors said.
“In addition to assessing the quality of the diet, an important factor is to target actionable changes-helping patients set achievable dietary goals-and follow-up on their next visit. Alice H. Liechtenstein, vice chair of the writing group, said in a release. She is a senior scientist on the Cardiovascular Nutrition team at Jean Mayer USDA Human Nutrition Research Center on Aging at Tufts University in Boston.
According to the statement, lack of training and knowledge may result in overlooking dieting patterns during your visit. Lack of time and redemption. Competing demands, often during short office visits. Nutrition services are not integrated into many healthcare environments.
“But these barriers can be overcome,” said Vadiveloo, an associate professor of nutrition and health sciences at the University of Rhode Island in Kingston. “We are looking for an effective and reliable way to evaluate a diet that reflects the best science. Most of the evaluated tools take less than 10 minutes to use.”
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