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The only actor Harrison Ford called “remarkable”

The only actor Harrison Ford called “remarkable”


A fixture on Hollywood's A-list for nearly 50 years, there are now at least two generations of actors who dream of emulating Harrison Ford's career.

Although he was never known as one of the greatest actors of his era in the conventional sense, there are not many people in Tinseltown history who achieved fame and recognition. then maintained as long as the old carpenter.

A single Oscar nomination for best actor in Peter Weirs' gripping drama thriller Witness barely tells the story of an incredible life in front of the camera that spans from American graffiti, The conversationAnd Apocalypse now has The fugitive, Air Force OneAnd Blade Runner via the Star Wars And Indiana Jones franchises, with Ford remaining more popular than ever, even into their 80s.

It was a level of fame and a period of longevity that he could never have imagined at a time when acting wasn't even his full-time occupation, but based on the film he cited as being among his favorites and the actor who won an Oscar for his role. the lead role, it's clear that Ford's stoic qualities and moral compass that his most memorable characters carried were at least partially derivative.

If I had to choose just one film that I had a very strong reaction to and that allows me to remember very clearly how I felt, it would be Kill a mockingbirdhe explained to American Cinema Institute. I think it had all the elements of a great film. And there was such a strong moral register. I think that's why I would say it's almost my favorite film.

Gregory Peck was already one of the biggest names and most respected talents of Hollywood's Golden Age long before Robert Mulligan's adaptation of Harper Lee's novel was even released, but the classic legal drama saw him deliver arguably the best work of his career as an honesty. litigator Atticus Finch, which ultimately won him his Oscar for the fifth time.

I think Peck was remarkable, Ford said. It was impossible to watch him play, he just didn't do it. He brought truth and vivid storytelling to the screen, but I don't think he was interested in performance as much as he was in storytelling. I admired him enormously.

Ford never got the chance to work with his hero, but they formed something of a cinematic bond when he starred alongside Robert Shaw in 1978. Force 10 of Navaronewho saw the Jaws the veteran fills the role of Keith Mallory that was played by Peck in its 1961 predecessor The cannons of Navarone.

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