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The Trump-Biden debate shows how a democracy dies

The Trump-Biden debate shows how a democracy dies


Three times during Thursday night's debate, CNN moderators asked Donald Trump whether he would accept the legitimacy of the 2024 election results, regardless of who wins. He never did.

Instead, Trump said he would accept the results if he thought they were fair, legal and good, while repeating the false claim that the 2020 election was marred by fraud (a claim that the moderators left out).

Overall, the former president was almost openly telling us that he was prepared to repeat the campaign of lies and incitement that led to a mob attack on the Capitol less than four years ago. (He did, indeed, reject political violence by rote.)

That all of this seems normal, even expected, shows how much Donald Trump has distorted our perception of what is tolerable in America. He was an authoritarian who spouted lies, rambled incoherently about his policies, issued thinly veiled threats against democracy, and somehow we came to accept him.

In fact, we are all so used to this behavior that we have a hard time remembering how dangerous it is. I can guarantee that Trump's comments on the election will not make the front pages of the country's major newspapers.

That honor will probably go to Joe Biden's poor performance, and I can understand why. The fact that the President of the United States barely managed to formulate a convincing response during the first hour of a nationally televised debate is indeed a major story. It appears that critics warning about Biden's age were right.

But there is something quietly obscene about Trump’s authoritarianism being on display. It’s not just these few comments about the election results: it’s his entire performance, a cavalcade of lies that betrays a stunning contempt for America’s intelligence services.

Thursday evening, an authoritarian openly displayed his disgust for democracy. Opposite him was a man who claims to care above all about democracy, but who seems completely incapable of considering whether there might be a tension between his future and his own ambitions.

Biden should be blamed for running again. The Democratic Party should be blamed for failing to stop it. CNN should be blamed for burying democratic issues halfway through the debate. The Republicans must be blamed for nominating Trump. Trump must be blamed, above all, for doing what he wants and his voters for supporting him while he does it.

Trump reminded us tonight that he is uniquely unfit for office and hostile to our democracy. The fact that these qualities have lost their ability to shock underlines the extent to which this man has bent our politics to his will.




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