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Joe Biden vows to stay in fight against Trump as pressure mounts for him to resign

Joe Biden vows to stay in fight against Trump as pressure mounts for him to resign
Joe Biden vows to stay in fight against Trump as pressure mounts for him to resign


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Joe Biden is continuing his re-election campaign despite growing calls from Democrats for him to step down after a disastrous debate performance against Donald Trump.

The president told supporters at a campaign rally in Raleigh, North Carolina, on Friday that he was there for one reason: his intention to win the state in November. The crowd responded with a chant for four more years.

In comments aimed at addressing his poor performance in Thursday's debate, Biden said: I know I'm not a young man, to state the obvious. I don't walk as easily as I used to… I don't debate as well as I used to.

He added: But I know what I know, I know how to tell the truth… I know how to do this job… When you get knocked down, you get back up.

The president's comments come as Democrats reported growing panic within the party Friday after a disastrous debate, with supporters concluding that Biden would struggle to beat Trump at the polls in November.

The only way it could have been more disastrous would have been if he fell off the stage. Big donors say…he has to go, a Democratic representative said. If Biden remains in office, we'll have to watch him on a trapeze wire until November.

Top Democratic lawmakers, donors and party insiders were left reeling Thursday night after the president frequently stumbled over his words during the debate, gave disjointed answers and, in some cases, appeared to lose his train of thought.

The debate, which CNN said was watched by 48 million viewers and streamed by another 30 million, was seen as a crucial opportunity for Biden to turn around his faltering reelection campaign, which has been weighed down by concerns about his age and the cost of living. He trails Trump in most state and national opinion polls.

Joe Biden and his wife, Jill Biden. Ultimately, it's Jill who will decide whether he stays in the race, Democratic donor told AFP via Getty Images

Ahead of Thursday’s debate, predictive polling models saw a tight race, with FiveThirtyEight calling it a toss-up. But political betting markets moved dramatically against Biden during and after the debate, and an average of Real Clear Politics betting odds on Friday showed Biden with just a 19 percent chance of winning the presidency.

A Morning Consult poll conducted after the debate late Friday showed that while Biden had not lost ground to Trump, three in five voters surveyed, including a plurality of Democrats, thought he should be replaced as the party's nominee. gone to the presidency.

The Democratic operative said the easiest path forward for the party would be if Biden's wife, Jill, or other longtime political advisers in his inner circle convinced him to drop out.

Other Democrats have quietly called on former President Barack Obama or former President Bill Clinton and Hillary Clinton, the former Democratic presidential candidate, to persuade Biden to step down.

But Obama on Friday rejected suggestions that Biden should step down in a statement posted on social media.

Bad debate evenings are coming. Believe me, I know. But this election remains a choice between someone who has fought his whole life for ordinary people and someone who only cares about himself, Obama said. Last night didn't change that.

Yet behind closed doors, many others remained skeptical.

Black humor is in order among members of the Democratic Party this morning. Whether Biden will stay in office is openly debated, a Democratic congressman told the Financial Times on Friday morning.

We need a new candidate, another Democratic lawmaker said.

A prominent New York financier said a small number of influential donors have contacted Ron Klain and Mike Donilon, two of Biden's closest longtime advisers, urging the president to do what is right for the party and the country.

In the end it will be Jill [Biden] “Who makes the decision,” said another top financier. “She's the voice of reason and I can't imagine she wants to go through this for four months… Joe will listen to her.”

The Biden team sought to project confidence Friday, saying the president raised $14 million Thursday and Friday morning. He said the hour after the debate was the best grassroots, or small-dollar, fundraiser since Biden launched his re-election bid.

After his rally in North Carolina on Friday, the president was scheduled to hold several closed-door meetings with deep-pocketed donors, including a campaign event Friday night in Manhattan and two Saturday in the Hamptons and New Jersey.

Trump is expected to hold his own rally Friday afternoon in Virginia, a state he lost to Biden by 10 points in 2020 but where the latest opinion polls show the two men are statistically tied.

Additional reporting by Oliver Roeder in New York and Steff Chvez in Washington

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