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Six months after the Noto Peninsula earthquake: the roadmap for reconstruction has not yet been drawn up

Six months after the Noto Peninsula earthquake: the roadmap for reconstruction has not yet been drawn up


It has been six months since the Noto Peninsula earthquake struck. In the affected areas, little progress has been made in demolishing damaged buildings. The government must work to remove obstacles to reconstruction one by one and support the region’s recovery.

In the northern part of the Noto Peninsula in Ishikawa Prefecture, which was badly damaged by the New Year's Day earthquake, collapsed houses and buildings lay untouched. It was as if time had stopped for six months.

The long-standing water outage has been almost resolved, and roads have been repaired, but many people still have no choice but to live in evacuation centers. Many people are still living in secondary shelters such as hotels.

The death toll from the disaster, or deaths caused by poor health due to evacuation, has risen to 52. In addition to those killed directly by the quake, the death toll has reached 281, surpassing the toll from the 2016 Kumamoto earthquake.

Evacuee life will undoubtedly become more difficult as temperatures rise. Until August, when all temporary housing is finished, local governments must pay close attention to the health of those affected by the disaster.

The dilapidated buildings have been left unattended due to the lack of progress in publicly funded demolition programs, in which local governments demolish and remove buildings on behalf of their owners. So far, 20,000 applications have been received from building owners, but only 900 have been demolished.

The main obstacle is the lack of local government officials to conduct on-site inspections of homes to be demolished and contact their owners. The homeowner must visit the site prior to demolition, but in many cases the owner has already left the affected area, making it difficult to arrange a visit.

The northern part of the peninsula, known as the Oconoto area, is far from urban areas and has few places to stay, which also makes it difficult to accommodate many demolition workers.

After the Kumamoto earthquake, more than 4,000 buildings were demolished in six months. Without progress in the demolition process, it will not be possible to rebuild society.

The central government says it will set up a support base in the affected area. The government should take the lead in implementing measures such as coordinating between local governments and sending personnel to provide support.

On the peninsula, a growing number of people have left their hometowns and rebuilt their lives elsewhere over the past six months, perhaps because they are concerned about the slow pace of reconstruction.

For those affected to move forward with hope, it is important to offer them a vision of the community’s future. How can we breathe new life into the fishing industry and other traditional crafts and industries, such as Wajima lacquerware making? Local governments must urgently formulate concrete plans for rebuilding.

The peninsula was suffering from depopulation even before the earthquake. So how can the area be made attractive? How can people be attracted to it? It is important to discuss the recovery direction comprehensively.

(From the Yomiuri Shimbun, July 1, 2024)




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