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Dina Boluarte in China: the son of the director of the Apurmac Club and his partner attended a dinner with Xi Jinping

Dina Boluarte in China: the son of the director of the Apurmac Club and his partner attended a dinner with Xi Jinping
Dina Boluarte in China: the son of the director of the Apurmac Club and his partner attended a dinner with Xi Jinping


Sadji Olazabalson of a director of the Apurmac Departmental Club The association that President Dina Boluarte chaired between 2017 and 2021, attended with her partner, Ena Ocaá, advisor to Magdalena, the same dinner in which the head of state coincided with the head of the Chinese regime, Xi Jinping.

According to a report published this Monday by Bunkerboth received invitations in their own names to attend the event held on June 28 at 6:00 p.m. in the Golden Hall of the Great Hall of the People in Beijing. Ocaa requested leave until July 5 and posted photographs of the dinner, including images of the food served.

The Secretary of Strategic Communication and Press of the Presidency, Jean Pajuelo, told the news portal that he did not know the people involved and clarified that the official delegation that accompanied Boluarte was made up of 17 people. I do not know who they are, I have not seen them, they are not part of the official commission. Businessmen and other people who were part of an external delegation went and had other activities that I did not participate in, he indicated.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs, for its part, indicated that it was not aware that these people had traveled to the Asian country, although it assured that they had not traveled with a public budget. Juan OlazabalSadji's father, was a member of Renovacin Popular, former mayor of La Victoria and president of Club Apurmac when Boluarte was on the board as a member, according to the report.

Ocaá did not comment on his posts or the reason for his participation in the dinner. If they paid for their travel expenses and tickets, how did they enter the Chinese Government Palace?, the journalist asked. Juliana Oxenfordprogram host.

When she was still vice president of Pedro Castillo (2021-2022) and Minister of Development, Boluarte was accused of carrying out actions as president of the Apurmac club; However, in 2022, the Subcommittee on Constitutional Charges of Congress filed this complaint requesting her disqualification.

Although Article 126 of the Constitution states that ministers cannot exercise any other public function, except legislative, legislator Edgar Reymundo (Democratic Change-Together for Peru), who prepared the final report, indicated that the current leader did not perform any act of management of the club, but of regularization of registration, to which he was required to comply by order of the National Superintendence of Customs and Tax Administration (Sunat) and before the Municipality of Lima.

Dina Boluarte would be mandated alongside her Chinese counterpart Xi Jinping. | Presidency
Dina Boluarte would be mandated alongside her Chinese counterpart Xi Jinping. | Presidency

Boluarte ended his visit to China on Saturday, whose official agenda culminated in a meeting with Xi Jinping, during which new cooperation agreements were signed between the two countries. Before meeting with the Chinese leader, the president met with Zhao Leji, chairman of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress, and Premier Li Qiang.

The visit included stops in Shenzhen, to the south, and Shanghai, to the east, where he opened an exhibition and met with executives from Huawei, BYD and Cosco Shipping, a company leading construction of the Chancay megaport.

This is the sixth trip abroad that Boluarte has made since the beginning of his mandate and it is the first one he has made this year after a seven-month break. For this recent outing, The State spent 523,419 S/.




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