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Happy Valley actor's ITV drama is now trending on Netflix

Happy Valley actor's ITV drama is now trending on Netflix
Happy Valley actor's ITV drama is now trending on Netflix


The Problem with Maggie Colethe ITV drama starring Happy ValleyJulie Hesmondhalgh, has found a new lease of life after currently being added to Netflix.

The 2020 series followed the main character (Dawn French), described as a gossipy person, in the village of Thurlbury as she confronts her own characteristics while clashing with some of the other villagers.

After ending in April 2020 with its sixth and final episode, the series was recently added to the streaming service and has proven to be a hit with audiences so far, with the dramedy currently sitting at #10 on Netflix's trending charts.

Julie Hesmondhalgh, Dawn French, The Trouble with Maggie Cole


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In addition to Dawn and Julie, the series also stars Mark Heap, Vicki Pepperdine, Patrick Robinson, Phil Dunster and Gwyneth Keyworth. The series was written by Mark Brotherhood and filmed in Devon and Cornwall.

“Smug Maggie drunkenly spills the beans on local radio about six village characters with secrets, leaving her wracked with guilt over her idle gossip. But she seems to have found some truth about at least two or three of them, and the stage is set for confrontations and reckoning,” the synopsis reads.

Julie, who played Jill Wheadon in the series, is best known for her long-running role as Hayley Cropper in Coronation Streetwhich she left in 2014. Since then, the actress has had roles in Broadchurch And Happy Valley series two.

Julie Hesmondhalgh, Dawn French, The Trouble with Maggie Cole


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The BBC drama ended last year with its third season, although creator Sally Wainwright has a new series to unveil soon. Women Riots – formerly known as Hot flush – will air later this year.

The drama will follow five members of a punk band as they go through menopause, with Sally teasing: “They're angry and they're going to sing about being angry and being a certain age and everything that goes with being a certain age.”

The Problem with Maggie Cole is streaming on Netflix.

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Journalist, digital spy George is a freelance writer specialising in film and television. After graduating from De Montfort University with a degree in Film Studies and Journalism, in which he analysed Richard Linklater's early work for his thesis, he wrote for several GRV Media websites. His film tastes range from blockbusters like Impossible mission And John Wick with international directors such as Paolo Sorrentino and Hirokazu Kore-eda, and has participated in the London and Berlin film festivals.




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