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British Reform Party candidate leaves Conservative Party over racist remarks

British Reform Party candidate leaves Conservative Party over racist remarks
British Reform Party candidate leaves Conservative Party over racist remarks


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Reform UK's general election candidate has defected to the Conservatives, becoming the second person to quit the populist party following a backlash over racist comments from some of its activists.

George David, the Reform Party candidate for West Ham and Beckton in east London, announced on Tuesday that he would suspend his campaign with immediate effect.

In a statement released by the Conservative Party, David said that while the Reform Party leadership was not racist, most of its candidates were racist, misogynistic and bigoted. David said he did not want to be directly associated with people who held such views.

Her defection will be a morale boost for the Conservatives at a time when they are trying to curb the number of voters switching to the Reform Party, but David is due to appear on the right-wing party's ballot paper on Thursday because the registration deadline has passed.

The Reform Party said it was disappointed and disagreed with David’s sweeping comments, adding it was “saddened and strange” that she had chosen not to raise her concerns with the party leadership.

David's decision is a fresh blow to the Conservatives after Errewash's candidate, Liam Booth-Isherwood, said on Sunday he would back the Conservatives after reports of widespread racism and sexism among Reform candidates.

According to a Financial Times analysis of polling data, the party, now led by founder Nigel Farage, has national support of around 16%, and splitting the right-wing vote could cost the Conservatives dozens of seats.

But how the party handles the controversy surrounding racist comments from candidates and activists could have a negative impact on its performance on Thursday.

Last week, the reform movement faced renewed criticism from across the political spectrum after one of its members in Farage's running constituency, Clacton, told an undercover Channel 4 reporter that Prime Minister Rishi Sunak was a fucking Pakistani.

Dozens of candidates and party officials have made misogynistic, homophobic and racist remarks, according to media reports.

Some praised Hitler's leadership acumen and argued that Britain should have remained neutral in World War II.

Sunack said the racial abuse directed at him was racist and appalling, and criticised Farage for describing the comments as inappropriate. The activists’ comments were also criticised by Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer.

Farage told Times Radio on Monday: “Nobody is more upset than me because we've done particularly well with black and ethnic minority voters. There were bad people in the startup world, and they've gone away.”

According to a YouGov poll, support for the Reform Party among ethnic minority Britons was 7%, higher than the Lib Dems' 6%, but well below Labour's 53% and the Conservatives' 14%.




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