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After UN report on Imran Khan, US asks Pakistan to respect people's basic rights

After UN report on Imran Khan, US asks Pakistan to respect people's basic rights
After UN report on Imran Khan, US asks Pakistan to respect people's basic rights


U.S. State Department Principal Deputy Spokesperson Vedant Patel. Screenshot/YouTube/U.S. State DepartmentU.S. officials have consistently urged Pakistan to respect the rights of its people, the spokesperson said. Patel said Pakistan's elections were a core U.S. concern. We urge Pakistan to respect fundamental freedoms, he said.

WASHINGTON: After a United Nations body denounced the detention of Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) founder Imran Khan in “politically motivated” cases, the US State Department has asked Pakistan to respect basic human rights of its people.

At a press conference on Monday, Principal Deputy Spokesperson Vedant Patel said that US officials, whether Secretary of State Antony Blinken, Deputy Secretary Donald Lu or Ambassador Donald Blome, have consistently urged, privately and publicly, Pakistan to respect the rights of its people, in accordance with its constitution and international commitments.

He made the statement in response to a question about the resolution passed by the U.S. House of Representatives calling for an investigation into the February 8 election. The official declined to comment on the legislation pending in Congress, but stressed respect for human rights.

We urge the Pakistani government to respect human rights and fundamental freedoms, including freedom of expression, freedom of association, freedom of peaceful assembly and freedom of religion, he said.

The State Department's comments come after the Geneva-based United Nations Working Group on Arbitrary Detention declared the detention of the PTI founders arbitrary and contrary to international law.

The appropriate remedy would be to release Mr Khan immediately and grant him an enforceable right to compensation and other reparations, in accordance with international law, the group said.

The UN agency said Khan's legal troubles were part of a much broader crackdown against him and his political party. It noted that during the 2024 elections, PTI members were arrested, tortured and their rallies disrupted.

He also denounced widespread fraud on election day, which led to the theft of dozens of parliamentary seats.

Imran Khan's detention an internal affair

On the other hand, the State Department reiterated that Imran Khan's detention was an internal matter of the country.

In Khan's case, you've heard us say this before: it's an internal matter of Pakistan, the spokesman said.

Responding to a question about the credibility of Pakistani elections and allegations of massive fraud, Patel said Pakistani elections continued to be an area of ​​concern for the United States.

This is a topic that we have continued to address with our partners in Pakistan, yes. It remains one of our areas of work.




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