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General Election 2024 Polls: Latest UK Tracker

General Election 2024 Polls: Latest UK Tracker
General Election 2024 Polls: Latest UK Tracker


After a month of feverish campaigning since Rishi Sunak fired the trigger for the July general elections, and with voting looming tomorrow, there is little time left for his party to pull off the turnaround it desperately needs if it is to retain power.

Labour has been comfortably ahead in the polls since Ms Truss left No 10, and currently enjoys a lead of around 20 points, a gap that shows no sign of closing.

The major parties will be hoping that their manifestos from last month will sway voters tomorrow. Reform UK promised to raise the income tax threshold to £20,000 and send back migrants in small boats to France. The Conservatives promised to scrap National Insurance by the end of the term and introduce a statutory cap on immigration set by parliament each year.

The Liberal Democrats have pledged to achieve net zero by 2045, recognize non-binary gender identities, and abolish the Rwandan system. Labour has said it will repeal the Rwandan law and introduce VAT on private school fees.

Nigel Farage, who is running in Clacton after taking office as leader of Reform UK last month, has seen his party's support soar in opinion polls, with some polls showing it ahead of the Conservatives.

The Telegraph goes beyond the main voting intentions and provides detailed analysis of what the British public thinks. Breaking it down by age, gender and region, it analyses how people stand on Brexit and how they voted the last time Britain voted in 2019.

This newspaper, in exclusive partnership with Savanta, asks you the questions that matter most to you.

A Telegraph-Savanta poll found that almost half of people, including 31% of those who voted Conservative in 2019, said their impression of Rishi Sunak had worsened during the campaign.

According to polls, his decision to leave the D-Day event early in June is seen as the biggest mistake of the campaign.

The poll of 2,287 adults, conducted between July 26 and July 28, found only Labour was perceived to have run a positive campaign, with 45% saying it was positive, compared to just 32% who said it was negative.

The survey also suggests that Conservative voters are concerned that Angela Rayner will one day succeed Sir Keir Starmer in Downing Street. However, Labour voters are twice as likely to support Rayner as Conservative supporters to succeed Sir Keir.

Throughout the general election, the Telegraph has been publishing key results from reader polls. The sixth poll, conducted between June 27 and 30, shows the Conservative Party is back in the running with just days to go before the vote.

Reader support for the Conservative Party has risen to 49%, its highest level since the campaign began, but is still well below the 78% recorded in the 2019 election.

The Reform Party was ahead of the party in popularity among 50-64 year olds in the middle of the campaign, but now it is 28-35 percentage points behind. The party’s readership has been falling for three weeks in a row since Mr Farage took over in early June.

Reflecting this trend, Mr Sunack has overtaken Mr Farage to become the first major party leader most readers feel has a clear plan for the country. The Prime Minister is currently leading on 49%, with the Reform leader in second place on 40% and Sir Keir in third place on 14%.

Unsurprisingly, Labor leads among under-50s, a fact they already won over in the 2019 election. The Greens do better among under-25s than any other demographic, coming second in most polls.

Even more surprising is the shift to Labour among middle-aged voters, those aged 50 to 64. Until Liz Truss became prime minister, this group tended to lean Conservative.

The Conservatives now beat Labour only among older voters, and recently rewarded it with higher-than-inflation pension increases. But that support is waning, and Reform is on track to win just one in five votes among the over-65s.

Polls suggest the SNP's grip on Scotland has collapsed after Nicola Sturgeon resigned from the party, her husband was arrested amid a finance investigation and she herself was arrested.

Labour is now leading the SNP in the Scottish polls and is hoping this election will bring Scotland back to its roots. It was no coincidence that Sir Keir Starmer began his campaign in Glasgow.

Labour’s steady lead continues in London, the Midlands, Wales and the North, with the Conservatives’ 2019 gains in the North appearing to have been halved.

Even more surprising for the Conservatives is the decline in their support in the political heartland of southern England, where Labour was leading in October 2022, often by 15 points.

The Liberal Democrats, who tend to benefit when the Conservatives struggle in the south, have yet to make a significant gain in the polls.

In 2019, women were most likely to vote Labour, while men were most likely to vote Conservative.

In the next election, polls suggest that such a divide will not exist, with both genders likely to support Labor in similar proportions.

The biggest difference was in favor of reform, with one in eight men saying they would support reform, compared to just one in 13 women.

Brexit was a central theme in the 2019 election, with Boris Johnson entering Downing Street on a promise to get Brexit done. Although the UK officially left the EU in 2020, the legacy of Brexit is still felt in opinion polls.

Leave supporters left the Conservative Party but did not necessarily flock to Labour.

In fact, polls show that Leave supporters are just as likely to back the Reform Party as Sir Keir Starmer's party.

Meanwhile, Remain supporters overwhelmingly backed Labour, with the Liberal Democrats, Conservatives and Greens coming in second place with around 9-13% of the vote.

Only Labor voters have shown a broadly positive view of the party in the 2019 election, with around 80% of voters likely to back Labor again this time.

The Liberal Democrats lost the 2019 election to Labour, which could be a sign that their former supporters have changed their minds about Sir Keir Starmer's reforms.

For the Conservatives, more than half of voters said they would back the party again. In second place was the Reform Party, which has so far won more than one in five Conservative voters.

The Red Wall has been a key battleground for the Conservatives, with around 40 seats held by Labour- and mostly Leave-supporting voters, and the Conservatives won the last election.

But if the election were held today, the Conservative Party would be crushed, and less than a third of Red Wall constituencies would vote Conservative.

On the other hand, the so-called 'Blue Wall', which historically represents the Conservative Party's southern constituencies, also faces difficulties.

Polls suggest a three-way race between the Conservatives, Labour and the Liberal Democrats, with a split in the votes between the two opposition parties likely to benefit the Conservatives.




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