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US expels more than 100 Chinese migrants in rare mass expulsion | China

US expels more than 100 Chinese migrants in rare mass expulsion | China
US expels more than 100 Chinese migrants in rare mass expulsion | China


The United States has returned 116 Chinese migrants in the first charter flight of this size in five years, the Department of Homeland Security said.

We will continue to enforce our immigration laws and remove people without a legal basis to remain in the United States, Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas said in a statement.

The flight, which took place over the weekend, comes amid intense political debate ahead of the US presidential election over the issue of Chinese immigration.

The department said it was working with China to reduce and deter illegal immigration and disrupt human trafficking by strengthening enforcement efforts. It did not respond to questions about how long the migrants were staying in the United States.

The ministry said it was working with China on more deportation flights in the future, but did not give a timeline for the next flight.

In recent years, the United States has struggled to return Chinese nationals who have no legal right to stay in the United States, as China has refused to take them back. Last year, the United States saw a sharp increase in the number of Chinese immigrants entering the United States illegally from Mexico.

U.S. border authorities arrested more than 37,000 Chinese nationals at the southern border in 2023, a tenfold increase from the previous year.

Chinese immigration has increasingly become a rallying cry for Republicans and former President Donald Trump, who have raised suspicions about why Chinese migrants come to the United States.

Asian rights groups fear the rhetoric will encourage harassment of Asians, even though the migrants themselves have said they are coming to escape poverty and repression.

Earlier this year, the United States and China resumed cooperation on migration issues. The Chinese government has said it firmly opposes any form of illegal immigration. In a statement released in May, the Chinese Embassy in the United States said the country's law enforcement agencies are cracking down on crimes that undermine the tranquility of national borders and maintaining strong pressure against all kinds of smuggling organizations and criminals.

Earlier this year, a charter flight carried a small but unknown number of deportees to the northeastern Chinese city of Shenyang, according to Thomas Cartwright of Witness at the Border, an advocacy group that tracks deportation flights.

Homeland Security officials have not said how many people were on board that March 30 flight, but the Gulfstream V plane typically seats 14. It also made stops in South Korea before returning to the United States, Cartwright said.

The announcement of the large weekend charter flight comes amid efforts elsewhere to shut down major routes used by Chinese migrants to the Western Hemisphere.

The United States announced on Monday that it would cover the cost of repatriating migrants who entered Panama illegally, as part of a deal reached with the Central American country's new president, who has pledged to close the dangerous Darin Gap used by people traveling north to the United States.

Additionally, since July 1, Ecuador has reinstated visas for Chinese nationals after the South American country said it had seen a worrying increase in irregular immigration.

Ecuador was one of only two continental countries in the Americas to offer visa-free entry to Chinese nationals and had become a popular departure point for Chinese migrants heading north to the United States.




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