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Xi Jinping urges China, Russia to preserve unique value of relations

Xi Jinping urges China, Russia to preserve unique value of relations
Xi Jinping urges China, Russia to preserve unique value of relations

ASTANA: Chinese President Xi Jinping on Wednesday urged China and Russia to continuously safeguard the unique value of China-Russia relations and explore the internal driving force of bilateral cooperation.

Xi made the remarks when meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin on the sidelines of the 24th meeting of the Council of Heads of State of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization in Astana.

He also said that in the face of an international situation full of turbulence and changes, the two countries should continue to uphold the original aspiration for lasting friendship and stick to the determination of benefiting the people.

The two countries should also make efforts to safeguard their legitimate rights and interests and uphold the basic norms governing international relations, Xi said.

The two countries should also make efforts to safeguard their legitimate rights and interests and uphold the basic norms governing international relations, Xi said.

The last meeting between the two leaders took place on May 16-17, when Putin made a state visit to China, his first foreign trip after being sworn in for a new term.

According to experts, such a high frequency of meetings means that, under pressure from the West, Russia's determination to “turn to the East” is becoming stronger.

“This is particularly important given the current complex and chaotic global situation. And with the US presidential election approaching, the international landscape is expected to become even more complicated,” Cui Heng, a researcher at the Shanghai-based China National Institute for International Exchanges and Judicial Cooperation of the SCO, told the Global Times on Wednesday.

Echoing Cui, Yang Jin, an associate researcher at the Institute of Russian, Eastern European and Central Asian Studies under the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, said the close interaction between Xi and Putin is crucial to maintaining regional stability and peace, as well as charting the direction for advancing regional development.

The issue of combating terrorism is at the center of this edition of the SCO summit, and it will most likely be discussed at the bilateral level as well, Cui said.

“Russia has experienced several deadly terrorist attacks this year, and the risk of a resurgence of terrorism on the Eurasian continent is becoming increasingly evident. The importance of anti-terrorist cooperation within the SCO for China and Russia is therefore becoming increasingly important,” he stressed.

Given the security deficit in the region and the ineffectiveness of existing security mechanisms, the SCO has stepped up efforts in taking joint measures to combat the “three evils” – terrorism, separatism and religious extremism – as well as in the field of cross-border law enforcement cooperation, Cui said.

Practical cooperation, especially how to eliminate Western pressure and resistance, so as to better promote the steady development of trade between the two countries, is likely to be a major topic between the two leaders, Yang told the Global Times on Wednesday.

“This includes specific areas such as energy, cross-border transportation and new energy sectors. In addition, the two leaders may also discuss the construction of a new gas pipeline project between China and Russia, as well as deepening cooperation in Central Asia,” Yang said.




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