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Details on Star Trek Actors Who Worked With William Shatner and Patrick Stewart

Details on Star Trek Actors Who Worked With William Shatner and Patrick Stewart
Details on Star Trek Actors Who Worked With William Shatner and Patrick Stewart


Star Trek Veterans William Shatner and Patrick Stewart are both known for playing Starfleet captains in their own respective series in the franchise. It was different working with each of them, as Robin Curtis can attest.

In the franchise, Curtis made his debut reprising the role of Lieutenant Saavik from Kirstie Alley in Star Trek III: The Search for Spockreturning as a character in the next sequel, Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home. Curtis will take on a different role as the character Tallera in the two-part story “Gambit” by Star Trek: The Next Generation. By Screen ScreamCurtis was on The D-Con Room where she recently compared her work with Shatner and Stewart with her forays into Star Trekand she observed how busy the former was at that time, that she rarely saw him beyond the time he was on set filming on any given working day.



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“What I saw was a lot of respect and deference towards [William Shatner]what I didn't know at the time, [I] “What I found out later is that I think Bill had gone off to make another movie,” Curtis explained.There was pressure on him to finish things, and then he needed to go somewhere else. So different from all the others. [actors] who were very available and present on the set… Bill was removed. He was not part of it like the other actors. It’s a shame. I don't know if I've ever had more than a two-minute conversation with this man.. Which is normal, I'm not complaining.

“So different from all the others [actors] who were very available and present on set… Bill was fired.

About how things went with Stewart, she added: “It was almost the same with Patrick Stewart, but for a different reason… He was really engaged. They changed scenes one day, and I marveled at how this man took an entire scene of dialogue – you know the Star Trek dialogue, polysyllabic words, high-tech, gibberish – [Patrick] he achieves it in a few minutes.



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Kirk and Picard would meet for 1994 crossover film

Kirk and Picard would later meet in the 1994 film Star Trek GenerationsAfter Kirk's character died in the film, Shatner never reprised the role again, though he recently hinted that he was open to revisiting Kirk one last time. As for Stewart, he brought Picard back to life with three seasons of the Paramount+ series, Star Trek: Picardwhich ended its broadcast in 2023.

Source: The D-Con Room, Screen Rant




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