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A heated exchange: Rahul Gandhi and Narendra Modi clash in Indian parliament

A heated exchange: Rahul Gandhi and Narendra Modi clash in Indian parliament
A heated exchange: Rahul Gandhi and Narendra Modi clash in Indian parliament

NEW DELHI: India's parliament has found itself at the centre of a dramatic showdown between opposition leader Rahul Gandhi and the government and Prime Minister Narendra Modi.

The Indian prime minister responded to the boos with a two-hour speech filled with scathing attacks and personal taunts, setting the tone for the next five years of parliamentary business.

Rahul Gandhi'sboldATHANKS

The confrontation began with Rahul Gandhi's speech, his first since taking over as leader of the opposition. He used the opportunity to corner the government, touching on various issues and even mocking the prime minister. His speech attracted considerable attention, prompting Prime Minister Modi to intervene, a rare occurrence.


Prime Minister Modi's speech, in response to the motion of thanks to the President, was interrupted by chaos. Opposition MPs shouted and chanted slogans, creating a difficult environment for the prime minister. He had to wear headphones to block out the noise, unlike his previous speeches.

Modi’s speech was peppered with harsh criticism of the opposition, including Rahul Gandhi, though he did not mention him by name. He referred to “balak buddhi,” meaning “childish behavior,” in a clear reference to Gandhi. He even borrowed lines from the Bollywood classic “Sholay” to mock the Congress.


The Prime Minister addressed several key issues including the scrapping of Article 370 in Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJK) and the controversial NEET exam.

He did not, however, mention the ongoing violence in Manipur, despite the opposition shouting “Manipur” throughout his speech. Rahul Gandhi has written a letter to the Prime Minister seeking a debate on the violence in Manipur, pending a response from the government.

AnotyuckAndra ofpParliamentaryddynamic

The last two days have highlighted a significant shift in Indian parliamentary dynamics. Unlike in 2014 and 2019, the opposition is now stronger, promising new challenges for the government. This could lead to more frequent interventions by the prime minister to address the opposition directly.

While disruption is an integral part of parliamentary business, the focus must remain on constructive work. Taxpayers fund Parliament, and both the government and opposition have a duty to ensure productive discussions. Cooperation and debate must co-exist for the good of the nation.

Recent events in Parliament underscore the importance of robust democratic processes. With a stronger opposition, the BJP government will be subject to greater scrutiny, allowing the voice of the people to be heard. As the Prime Minister and the Leader of the Opposition continue to clash, the hope is that constructive debates will lead to tangible results for the country.

Summary for social networks

The Indian Parliament witnessed a dramatic face-off between Rahul Gandhi and Prime Minister Narendra Modi. The heated exchange sets the stage for intense parliamentary proceedings. #IndianPolitics #RahulGandhi #NarendraModi #Parliament #Democracy




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