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Meeting with Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and Russian President

Meeting with Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and Russian President
Meeting with Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and Russian President


Russian President Vladimir Putin: Mister President,

Dear colleagues, friends,

I am very happy to see you again.

Mr. President, we maintain regular contacts, discussing developments between our two countries, the situation in the region and in the world. However, we have not seen each other for a long time. I am glad to see you again.

I would like to emphasize that relations between Russia and Turkey are progressing despite the challenges the world is currently facing. In recent months, trade has decreased slightly, but it remains relatively high: $55 billion, if we count in US dollars.

All our major projects are being implemented on schedule. There are no delays. I would like to emphasize that last year the Russian tourist flow to Turkey reached a record level, with 6.3 million Russian tourists visiting Turkey. I would like to express my gratitude for the conditions that the country has created for Russian tourists.

We are very pleased that new projects are being planned and that I have the opportunity to meet with you today, review the results of last year's work and outline prospects for the near future, in a personal conversation.

Of course, we continue to work actively in various key areas of international policy, in constant contact with you. Our ministries and agencies are constantly exchanging information and coordinating their positions on key areas. We also work in various international organizations and on international platforms. We are very pleased to hold this meeting on the sidelines of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, which is a part of it.

I am very pleased to meet you again, Mr. President.

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan (retranslated): Mister President.

For a long time, I could not meet my dear friend and we practiced telephone diplomacy. In the meantime, our respective agencies were in constant contact with each other, especially the Turkish Minister of Foreign Affairs, the Minister of Treasury and the Minister of Energy and Natural Resources. They maintained constant contacts with their colleagues in Russia. Today we are here with you. This is a very important step.

As for the Akkuyu nuclear power plant, we are building it together. We hope to put it into operation in the near future. We have also had contacts regarding the construction of another nuclear power plant in the city of Sinop. I believe that we can and will make serious progress.

In this regard, I would like to emphasize that the Turkish Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources continues its contacts with its counterparts in Russia. Following their meetings, I would like to emphasize that Botas and Gazprom companies continue their contacts on the basis of good intentions.

As you said, a turnover of $25 billion is very insignificant. We have set a target of $100 billion and I think we will achieve it. We have sufficient business potential.

As for the tourism sector, about seven million tourists will visit our country, which is very important. We will welcome Russian tourists to our country. This is a matter that is close to our hearts and we are sincerely committed to it. I would also like to emphasize that we will continue to make improvements as long as Russian tourists are satisfied with our hospitality.

Our country is on a solid path and continues to grow stronger, and we wish to further develop warm relations between Russia and Turkey.

I have one more thing to say. I look forward to welcoming you, Mr. President, to my country very soon.





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