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Law & Order Actor Sam Waterston Speaks at Class Day 2024

Law & Order Actor Sam Waterston Speaks at Class Day 2024
Law & Order Actor Sam Waterston Speaks at Class Day 2024


Actor Sam Waterston speaks at Class Day 2024.

Tori Repp / Photo Buddy

Waterston encouraged graduates to think for themselves

The Class of 2024 has the distinction of being the only one to begin their Princeton studies outside of Princeton. Instead, due to COVID, freshmen were forced to meet and mingle on a Facebook page from the discomfort of our childhood homes, as Sierra Stern ’24, one of the class’s heirs, put it on class day.

The annual celebration, hosted by the senior class and held this year on Memorial Day, proved that the seemingly impossible is possible: Not only did the Class of 2024 commemorate the end of their time at Princeton together at Cannon Green after beginning their journeys so far apart, but the class also eulogized keynote speaker and Emmy and Golden Globe-winning actor Sam Waterston, despite the fact that, as class day co-chair Julie Levey ’24 said in a sarcastic introduction, he was born in every Princetonian’s favorite city: Cambridge, Massachusetts, before attending every Princetonian’s favorite college: Yale.

I promise it's only an upward trajectory from here, Levey joked.

So, remember, there is no obstacle you cannot overcome. You have already produced enough saliva to fill two plastic tubes per week.
Rohit Narayanan 24

Waterston, an electrical and computer engineering graduate and class valedictorian, is best known for his 18-year role as Jack McCoy in Law and order and who has also acted on stage and in film, limited his advice, noting that since graduation is the milestone of adulthood, he finds it a little crazy that the first thing the world wants to do is tell you, in a graduation speech, how to think and what to do. I'm not going to try.

Instead, Waterston encouraged graduates to think for themselves, to act when appropriate and to stand still when necessary, and to always remember the importance of play, which he defined as a mixture of love and joy.

In her speech, Stern, an English major, admitted that when she looked at her class's Facebook page a few years ago, she was impressed by her classmates' accomplishments. “One of you discovered a planet, so it's like you don't have to do all that,” Stern said. But she's learned not to get caught up in the comparisons. “After these last four years of intense exposure therapy, I'm not afraid of exceptional people anymore,” she said.

Rohit Narayanan, 24, an electrical and computer engineering student and the other herald of the class, brought it full circle by saying that given the dramatic events the class members have endured, they are characterized by a sense of adventure. So, remember, there is no obstacle you cannot overcome. You have already produced enough saliva to fill two plastic tubes a week.

How times have changed.




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