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Who are they hiding? – Byline Times

Who are they hiding? – Byline Times
Who are they hiding? – Byline Times


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The Reform UK candidate near me probably wouldn't call himself a local, which is entirely fair, as London is a huge metropolis. What could be even more problematic if he were elected is the fact that it would take him 38 hours to walk to his hopeful constituency.

Mark Matlock wants to make a big difference to London, but to do so he has to travel from the South Cotswolds to Brixton, South London.

While recently browsing the candidates in my local constituency, I noticed that there was very little information about Mark Matlock.

His profile picture is almost completely airbrushed. The only video on his site is of Nigel Farage. I can see no evidence of any campaign appearances or media interviews. (He has not yet responded to a request for comment, but I will include it when he does.)

Why are you so shy? When I noticed dear Mark's curious absence, I began to notice a similar trend in other constituencies.

But first, I asked the other candidates if they had seen or heard from him.

Green Party candidate Shao-Lan Yuen told Byline Times: I have not seen or heard from the Reform UK candidate for Clapham and Brixton Hill. He did not attend the campaign.

There have been suspicions that the images on his flyers were AI-generated.

Independence activist John Key added that he did not show up.

I emailed Mark and all the other candidates. I got a response from some of the candidates, but not from Mark. He said he doesn't live in the district.

Kay added: It was very quiet overall. In fact, I only saw three posters in a constituency of 76,000. I guess that's what happens in first-come, first-served voting.

Mark Matlock is a local compared to some of the Bristol reform candidates.

For example, according to parliamentary records, the Reform candidate for Bristol South lives in Gibraltar. If he were to somehow win support from the radical South West city, it would take him three hours to get to his seat.

The Reform candidate in Leeds North East also has little digital footprint. There are no videos, just a few photos. One voter said: “He didn’t campaign, but he’s not in the few videos I found. [either].”

They admit that the joke candidate Count Vinface is a pseudonym, but at least he stands out.

Social media sleuths have also been trying to figure out who South Dorset candidate Morgan Young is. Two days before the general election, there is still no word on Reform UK Party Ltd candidate Morgan Tara Young. No photo, no bio, no social media, BrexitBuster writes on X.

According to public council records, the Coast candidate lives just seven hours away in South Derbyshire. (We have of course contacted Mr Young and will add to this if we hear back.)

Comedian Kim Blythe also went viral after making a TikTok video claiming she had no information about local Reform UK candidate Helen Burns.

Some Reform UK leaflets keep their candidates almost secret. Source: Kim Blythe

She told viewers: I'm pretty sure there's no candidate for that district. If you look at various websites, all the other candidates for that district have pictures. Except for Helen, who's camera-shy. Is she too busy stopping the boat to take a picture?

Some Reform UK leaflets do not contain photographs or personal details of local candidates.

Reform UK is actually fighting to win around 20 seats (regardless of what the leadership says). There are probably six where the party has a real chance, the most important being Nigel Farage’s seat in Clacton, but also Lee Anderson’s in Ashfield and ousted leader Richard Tice’s in Boston and Skegness.

And while Reform UK has fielded nearly 609 candidates across the UK, the desperate rush to get their names on the ballot ahead of a snap general election has left some aspirants standing for seats hundreds of miles from home.

But that doesn't explain or prove why so many people have such a small online presence.

Looking for data on this, Byline Times analyzed figures from the Democracy Club on whether candidates have contact information or various social network profiles.

Candidate Comparison Society: Reform vs Conservative and All Candidates

Thanks to the Democracy Club for collecting the raw data.

Analysis: Has anything been disclosed to the candidate?

1. Facebook page URLs Conservative: 64% have a Facebook page URL Reform UK: 45% Average across all candidates: 51% Analysis: Reform UK candidates have the lowest proportion of public Facebook pages at 45%. 2. Facebook personal URLs Conservative: 14% have a Facebook personal URL Reform UK: 4% Average across all candidates: 11% Analysis: Reform UK candidates have the lowest proportion at 4%. 3. Email addresses? Conservative: 79% have a public email address Reform UK: 99% Average across all candidates: 83% Analysis: Reform UK have the highest completeness in terms of public email addresses, at 99%, significantly higher than both the average across all candidates (83%) and the Conservatives (79%). Note: Many of these email addresses are generic local party addresses, several of which did not respond to Byline Times queries. 4. Homepage URL Conservative: 70% have a public website Reform UK: 18% Average across all candidates: 36% Analysis: Reform UK candidates have the lowest at 18%. 5. Instagram URL Conservative: 15% have a public Instagram account Reform UK: 9% Average across all candidates: 17% Analysis: Reform UK candidates have the lowest at 9%. 6. LinkedIn URL Conservative: 18% have a public LinkedIn profile Reform UK: 3% Average across all candidates: 10% Analysis: Reform UK candidates have the lowest at 3%. 7. TikTok URL Conservative: 0% have a public TikTok account Reform UK: 8% Average across all candidates: 4% Analysis: Reform UK has the highest completeness at 8%, followed by an average across all candidates of 4%. Conservatives have the lowest at 0%. 8. Twitter/X usernames Conservatives: 75% have a Twitter/X account Reform UK: 44% Average across all candidates: 62% Analysis: Reform UK candidates have the lowest percentage at 44%. 9. Wikipedia URLs Conservatives: 46% have a public Wikipedia page Reform UK: 2% Average across all candidates: 16% Analysis: Reform UK candidates are relatively unknown on Wikipedia.

Is it Nigel Farage Shaw, or does the shyness say something else about the party? The voters will decide.

Reform UK did not respond to a request for comment.


Josiah Mortimer also writes the On the Ground column, which appears exclusively in the print edition of Byline Times.

So if you want to know more about him…




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