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Prime Minister Narendra Modi discusses situation in Manipur, calls for wisdom and patience

Prime Minister Narendra Modi discusses situation in Manipur, calls for wisdom and patience
Prime Minister Narendra Modi discusses situation in Manipur, calls for wisdom and patience


Guwahati, July 3:Prime Minister Narendra Modi finally spoke on Manipur on Wednesday, stressing the need to handle the situation with wisdom and patience.

Replying to the President's motion of thanks on the occasion of his address in the Rajya Sabha, Prime Minister Narendra Modi in his elaborate speech said that the government was making continuous efforts to improve the situation in Manipur. He added that more than 11,000 FIRs had been filed and over 500 miscreants had been arrested during and after the unrest in Manipur.

The Prime Minister has been heavily criticised for not uttering a single word on Manipur despite the serious situation. Manipur Congress MP Dr A Bimol Akoijam on Monday criticised the central government for remaining silent on the grave situation in the state.


Taking note of the five-year-long social conflict in Manipur starting in 1993, Modi stressed that there was a need to handle the situation with wisdom and patience. He invited all like-minded people to help him in his efforts to ensure normalcy and peace in Manipur.

“We have to acknowledge that the incidents of violence in Manipur are on a steady decline, which means that the hope of peace was a definite possibility in Manipur. “Today, schools, colleges, offices and other institutions were functioning normally in Manipur,” he said.

The Prime Minister stressed that the Central and State governments were in talks with all stakeholders to ensure peace and cordiality in Manipur. He pointed out that the Home Minister himself had led the peace efforts from the front by being in Manipur. He further added that even the senior officials were in a hurry to find solutions to the problems and ensure peace.


Modi stressed that it was the duty of all stakeholders to toe the political and party lines to ensure peace and normalcy in Manipur. The Prime Minister also asked the dissidents to stop provoking and further endangering the security situation in Manipur. He reminded the House that the social conflict in Manipur is deeply rooted in a long history, which led to the imposition of President's rule 10 times since Independence.

The Prime Minister said that the Northeast is poised to become the gateway to the nation's progress. He referred to the steps taken in this direction in the past few years. He mentioned the unprecedented growth of infrastructure in the Northeast. He also expressed hope for a lasting impact of the efforts aimed at ensuring permanent peace in the region as the border disputes between the states are settled meaningfully and through consensus.

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