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Ensuring the future of the next generation of STEM talent

Ensuring the future of the next generation of STEM talent


Bill Pappas, executive vice president and head of global technology and operations at MetLife;


In a competitive job market, joining the science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) workforce can seem a bit daunting and overwhelming. This is especially true against the backdrop of declining interest in technical careers among recent college graduates. However, there are several strategies that can help advance students in STEM careers early and ensure the next generation of talented STEM talent for the future. It starts with education.

Here are some ways technology leaders can better understand the current curriculum that prepares the workforce of the future while simultaneously fostering innovative learning environments for early-career talent.

Fostering relationships with universities.

Understanding the current state of affairs at universities and formalizing discussions on this topic is important to identify current challenges and opportunities in higher education STEM curricula, so leaders can develop early career programs in partnership with universities that are preparing the next generation of STEM leaders.

For leaders looking to build relationships with universities, start locally. It's important to go beyond just attending career fairs and start a two-way dialogue with STEM educators to better understand each other's needs and capabilities. By doing this as part of a broader innovation strategy, tech leaders can create a new pipeline of tech talent before it even enters the applicant pool.

Balance the development of hard and soft skills.

For leaders, a balanced approach to developing both hard and soft skills in early career training programs should be a top priority. Qualities have become just as important as hard skills. Qualities such as knowing how to take initiative, the ability to network, adaptability, resilience and tolerance for vulnerability are essential traits for continued success.

MetLife survey findings, commissioned by Atomik Research, back this up: Skills essential to success in today's tech workforce include critical thinking and problem-solving (43%), flexibility and time efficiency (41%), artificial intelligence (29%), and Internet of Things (IoT) skills. Fieldwork for the survey, which surveyed 804 IT decision makers across the U.S., was conducted from March 12 to March 18, 2024.

These qualities are not always easily taught, and many are acquired through real-life work experience. Current students looking to hone and develop their soft skills outside of the classroom may find it worth considering extracurricular programs and internships. Some universities even partner with local businesses to provide these opportunities for students. These are just a few of the avenues available for students to hone these soft skills.

Offer or participate in reward programs to activate young talent.

It is important for leaders to foster a continuous learning environment and understand that education does not end with a degree. To do this, it is essential to provide engaging and challenging programs that attract and activate not only junior talent but the entire employee pipeline. For technology leaders in particular, this means providing opportunities for employees to showcase their talents, learn new skills, and try innovative solutions. At MetLife, we host a global hackathon each year, with more than 2,700 employees competing around the world in 2023. Opportunities like these help us create unique, technology-advanced solutions that drive business initiatives and increase efficiencies.

Partnerships also play a key role in this. They not only help advance tech talent and workforce development efforts, but also help position the tech industry for the future. For example, our partnership with NC TECH led to the creation of the Tech Workforce Innovation Center, which provides resources, collaboration, and thought leadership to North Carolina's tech sector, highlighting the importance of developing our current and future workforce.

It's also important for tech leaders to get involved in mentoring diverse talent. A great example of this is NC TECH's partnership with Lean In to develop Lean In Circles, a forum where women at all levels can come together in small groups for mentoring, networking, and leadership development. Tech leaders should participate in programs like these to ensure they create a welcoming and inclusive environment where all talent feels supported and empowered to drive innovation.


After all, in today's job market, it's more important than ever for business and technology leaders to help develop their next pool of innovative talent before they move from student to applicant to employee.

Conversely, STEM students and educators should also be mindful of IT leaders' expectations of early career talent, especially soft skills, which should not be overlooked. By partnering with students and educators, tech leaders can develop the next generation of STEM talent for the future.

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