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What photo ID do I need to vote in the 2024 UK general election? | General Election 2024

What photo ID do I need to vote in the 2024 UK general election? | General Election 2024
What photo ID do I need to vote in the 2024 UK general election? | General Election 2024


Don't get caught like Boris Johnson did in the May local elections. For the first time in a UK general election, you will need to show a photo ID at a polling station on Thursday to vote in person. Here's what you need to know.

What photo ID do I need to vote?

There are 20 types of valid identification that can be used to vote, the most common being passports and driver's licenses.

Passports can be issued by the UK, EU countries, Norway, Iceland or Liechtenstein. Passports from 56 Commonwealth countries are also accepted.

Driving licences are accepted if they are a UK or Northern Ireland photo card or if they are issued by an EU country. Licences from Norway, Iceland, Liechtenstein, the Isle of Man or the Channel Islands are also accepted.

Northern Ireland electoral ID is also valid, as is a national ID card issued by an EU country, Norway, Iceland or Liechtenstein.

Additionally, pass cards, blue badges, biometric residence permits, Defence Ministry ID cards (MoD Form 90), voter authority certificates and anonymous voter documents are also accepted.

Photo ID is not considered valid for college or university registration. However, several types of discount travel documents are acceptable.

What types of discount travel documents are valid?

A variety of travel documents issued to seniors and persons with disabilities are valid. These include:

Senior bus pass.

Disabled bus pass.

Oyster 60+ card.

Free pass.

Scottish National Identity Card.

Wales Discount Travel Card for over 60s.

Wales Discount Travel Card for people with disabilities.

Northern Ireland Discount Travel Pass.

What if I don't have any of these documents?

You can apply for a special photo ID for elections in England, Scotland and Wales. This is called a Voter's Authorization Certificate. Unfortunately, the deadline for this election has passed. Applications are free and can be made here. Northern Ireland has its own electoral ID system, information can be found here.

What if my valid ID has expired?

The government says people can still use their ID cards even if they have expired as long as the photo still resembles them.

What identification do I need if I use proxy voting?

If you wish to vote on someone else's behalf via proxy voting, you must bring your own ID, not the voter's ID.

Why introduce photo ID for voters?

It seems like they are trying to solve a problem that never actually existed. According to data from the Election Commission, there were seven cases of alleged fraud at polling places in the 2022 elections before the new rules were introduced. This crime is officially known as fraud.

Former trade minister Jacob Rees-Mogg seems to have suggested last year that the introduction of the measure was motivated by the government's desire to suppress non-Tory votes. He said: Parties who try to manipulate constituencies eventually find that their clever tricks come back to bite them. Just as we insisted on voter ID at elections, dare I say it, because the people without it were elderly and tended to vote Conservative, we made things difficult for our voters.

What effect did it have on the election?

Around 14,000 people were turned away from polling places in May’s local elections in the UK for not having the right ID, and the total number of people turned away is likely to be significantly higher, the official election watchdog said. Four per cent of those surveyed on why they did not vote said it was because of voter ID.

A group of all-party MPs working on democracy and the constitution published a report last year saying the system had led to racism and disability discrimination in local elections in England.




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