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Purdue University and Heartland Bioworks partner to secure $51M in federal funding for regional technology hub

Purdue University and Heartland Bioworks partner to secure M in federal funding for regional technology hub


The funding will boost workforce development and start-up efforts in the biomanufacturing industry.

WEST LAFAYETTE, Ind. — Purdue University, as part of Heartland BioWorks, will receive $51 million in federal funding to bolster workforce development and entrepreneurial activity in the state's burgeoning biotech ecosystem. The funding, awarded by the U.S. Department of Commerce Economic Development Administration, will advance biotech innovation and manufacturing activity in Indiana, a pillar of Purdue's recently announced One Health Innovation District.

One Health also strengthens the deep connections and research opportunities offered through Purdue University in Indianapolis, which opened July 1 as the university's urban campus.

“Thanks to One Health's outstanding faculty and students, Purdue is pleased to be part of the winning team at this important national competition,” said Purdue President Moon Chang. “In addition to winning the Silicon Crossroads Microelectronics Commons Hub and the Midwest Clean Hydrogen Alliance Hub, the Bioworks Regional Tech Hub is another important aspect of what Applied Research Institutes (ARIs) and partners like Purdue are doing to make CHIPS and the Science Act a success for our state and nation.”

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The Heartland Bioworks Hub is one of 12 regional hubs selected across the U.S. to ensure global competitiveness in areas key to national security, and the hubs will receive a share of $500 million in implementation funding from the CHIPS and Science Act.

Announced last October by Applied Research Institute Inc. on behalf of the state of Indiana, Heartland BioWorks brings together Indiana’s academic institutions, industry leaders, investors and nonprofit organizations to ensure that bioproducts invented in the U.S. are also produced domestically.

The Biotech Hub will develop new programs, infrastructure and networks to accelerate talent development and remove barriers to success for entrepreneurs and small business owners as they develop new biotechnology products.

“Indiana's new tech hub designation opens up a new level of opportunity for our state,” said Gov. Eric Holcomb. “We now have nearly $51 million in grant funding to help with implementation and are committed to workforce development and building a targeted talent pipeline to support exactly the kind of innovative business growth and entrepreneurship we want to see.”

The funding will spur biotechnology innovation and manufacturing in Indiana and solidify the state's position as a national leader in the biotechnology industry and advanced manufacturing in plant, animal and human health.

BioWorks will support the national need for domestic manufacturing operations for new bioproducts and infrastructure dedicated to innovating how those bioproducts are made, bringing new bioproducts to market more quickly and encouraging more companies to found and grow in Indiana.

Purdue's strategic involvement in the Heartland BioWorks Hub is led by the William D. and Shelley L. Young Institute for Advanced Drug Manufacturing, which is focused on revolutionizing drug manufacturing and improving the availability, affordability and accessibility of medicines.

Established in 2022, the Young Institute is a key component of the university’s One Health initiative and will provide hands-on training in advanced manufacturing technologies as part of BioTrain, a workforce development initiative within Heartland Bioworks.

“Purdue's Biotrain Graduate Fellows program will attract and train top talent in the drug manufacturing technologies of the future,” said Alina Alexenko, professor of aerospace and chemical engineering and Purdue's principal investigator on the Heartland Bioworks project. “The training and curriculum development involved in this program will help increase the pipeline of talent needed by industry to support the drug manufacturing revolution.”

BioTrain graduate students will work in pharmaceutical manufacturing and develop training programs for industry. BioTrain also includes curriculum development for a pharmaceutical manufacturing certificate and collaboration with Ivy Tech Community College. Training programs will focus on continuous processing and emerging technologies for sterile injectable drugs and vaccines.

“Purdue's research mission is focused on national and economic security and advancing the biotechnology and manufacturing industries that are so important to our state,” said Purdue Vice President for Research Karen Prout. “We are excited to work with like-minded partners at the Heartland Bioworks Hub to leverage our expertise and cutting-edge research to further strengthen biomanufacturing in Indiana and across the nation.”

The Heartland Bioworks Hub, one of 12 hubs selected for funding, marks Purdue's third federal hub designation, joining the Midwest Clean Hydrogen Alliance, one of seven hubs designated by the U.S. Department of Energy, and Silicon Crossroads Microelectronics Commons, one of eight hubs designated by the Department of Defense.

Purdue University West Lafayette's participation in the Microelectronics Commons Hub builds on the school's strength in semiconductors, and Purdue Northwest is the only Indiana state university participating in the Hydrogen Hub.

This year, Purdue University is the only higher education institution in the nation to join all three national locations, a success rate of one in 3,000 schools.

About Purdue University

Purdue University is a public research institution that demonstrates excellence at scale. Ranked among the top 10 public universities in the U.S. and with two universities ranked in the top four, Purdue discovers and disseminates knowledge with unmatched quality and scale. More than 105,000 students learn at Purdue in a variety of ways and places, with nearly 50,000 learning face-to-face at the West Lafayette campus. Committed to affordability and accessibility, Purdue's main campus has frozen tuition for 13 consecutive years. With the first integrated urban campus in Indianapolis, the Mitchell E. Daniels Jr. School of Business, Purdue Computing, the One Health initiative and more, learn how Purdue never stops for its next big leap at

Writer/Media Contact: Wes Mills, [email protected]

Source: Mung Chiang, Karen Plaut, Alina Alexeenko




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