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Deadpool and Wolverine are expected to gross $160-165 million at the box office

Deadpool and Wolverine are expected to gross 0-165 million at the box office
Deadpool and Wolverine are expected to gross 0-165 million at the box office


In three weeks, Deadpool and WolverineHis claws seem very sharp.

The Marvel Studios film, the third installment in the popular superhero franchise created by star Ryan Reynolds, is expected to gross between $160 million and $165 million in the United States over the July 26-28 weekend, with plenty of room for growth. It would be the best start of the year to date, as well as the biggest opening ever for an R-rated title. It would also be a much-needed boost for the Marvel Cinematic Universe and the superhero genre in general.

Shawn Levy directed Deadpool and Wolverinein which Reynolds plays the role of the antihero Deadpool/Wade Wilson, a funny and foul-mouthed antihero, and Hugh Jackman plays the introverted and intense Wolverine/Logan. (Wolverine was the most popular character in the X-Men cinematic universe, and was last seen in the standalone film Logan in 2017.) All three are great friends off-screen and are currently on a world tour to Deadpool 3.

The first one dead Pool made history by grossing $133.7 million in the United States in February 2016, the highest opening ever for an R-rated title – a record it still holds – and proving that a superhero movie could draw big crowds despite the restrictive classification. Just over two years later, Deadpool 2 debuted at $125.5 million.

A lot has changed since then. Namely, Kevin Feige's Marvel has taken over dead Pool franchise when Marvel's parent company Disney acquired 20th Century Fox, which owned the rights to the X-Men character universe, as part of the broader Disney-Fox merger.

Deadpool and Wolverine is the first R-rated film ever released by Disney, Marvel or otherwise. Disney CEO Bob Iger indicated early on, when the merger closed, that the franchise was in no danger of losing its R-rated status.

Levy and Reynolds, who co-wrote the screenplay with the veteran dead Pool Writers Paul Wernick and Rhett Reese, along with screenwriter Zeb Wells, also faced the challenge of having to shut down production during last year's strikes. Production resumed in November when the SAG-AFTRA strike was settled, and they were able to meet their planned summer release date.

The box office hasn't always been kind to superhero movies lately. WondersMarvel's latest film, marked a moment of truth for Feige and his team when it opened to $46 million in November 2023. Deadpool and Wolverine This seems to be the balm they needed, as well as the second big box office win for Disney's film empire after Inside Out 2which crossed the billion dollar mark after making a $154 million debut in the United States, the best opening of the year to date.




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