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Do you recognize the gay actor in this new series of fashion-inspired portraits?

Do you recognize the gay actor in this new series of fashion-inspired portraits?
Do you recognize the gay actor in this new series of fashion-inspired portraits?


One of our favorite actors, Colton Haynes, likes to turn the camera on himself and take self-portraits. Like the famous self-portraitist Cindy Shermanhe likes to play with his image.

This week he published two selections of photos from his latest photographic work.

In one of them, he appears heavily made up and dressed in a goth outfit (above). He says the images were inspired by the work of the late gay fashion designer Alexander McQueen. Specifically, it's McQueen Fall 2009 CollectionThe British designer died in February 2010.

In the images, Haynes has a white face painted, with bright red, exaggerated lips.

Scroll down to the end of the images. He posts two videos to show him making the garments himself by hand, including a white feather headdress.

A few days earlier, Haynes posted another series of self-portraits he recently took. These are in black and white. Haynes is wearing a fake mustache and a toupee. He has a leather cowboy look. In a few of the images, he is wearing leather chaps with no pants underneath. He censors his behind (unfortunately!). He also adds a photo of himself from 2004, wearing a similar cowboy outfit.

Teenage Model Years

Haynes began his modeling career as a teenager. In March 2006, at the age of 15, he published a few semi-dressed photos for a gay magazine. XYLater, as his career began to take off, Haynes tried to have the images removed from the Internet.

A few years ago, he himself confided: he wanted to become again that young man who is not ashamed to be gay and who is confident in his sexuality.

“I've never posted this photo before. In fact, I spent a lot of my career trying to get it removed from the internet while I was still in the closet,” he said.

Partly because many people in Hollywood told me I would never work as an openly gay actor, but also because I was terribly ashamed. It made me sad to see those photos I had taken as a model at 15, before I was put in voice and movement coaches to get me back on track in front of the cameras, before I learned to see my homosexuality as a liability. I was jealous of him. The boy in those photos was so open, so free. He had to be taught that it was wrong to be who he was.

It's great to see Haynes again, who has published his memoirs Miss Memory Last year he was still playing with his image and didn't care whether he appeared gay, male, female or whatever.

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