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Simone Biles leads most experienced U.S. women's Olympic gymnastics team

Simone Biles leads most experienced U.S. women's Olympic gymnastics team
Simone Biles leads most experienced U.S. women's Olympic gymnastics team


The U.S. women's gymnastics team is well positioned to win the Olympic team gold medal, not only because of its talent but also its experience.

Four of the five women in uniform this month were members of the Tokyo 2020 Olympic team. With two all-around Olympic champions and four Olympic medalists, the Paris 2024 squad is the most experienced and decorated in U.S. history.

Simone Biles, with 37 Olympic and world medals, is the headliner. Her Olympic tally includes two bronze, one silver and four gold, including the most coveted medal in sports: the Olympic all-around gold.

She is tied with Shannon Miller for the most Olympic medals among American gymnasts, a record she is likely to break in Paris as the reigning world champion in the all-around, beam, floor and team events.

Biles will be joined in Paris by reigning Olympic all-around champion Suni Lee, Olympic silver medalist Jordan Chiles, Olympic gold medalist Jade Carey and freshman senior Hezly Rivera.

Biles called the upcoming Olympics a redemption tour for Tokyo returnees.

“I feel like we all have a lot more to give and our performances in Tokyo weren’t the best,” Biles said Sunday at the Olympic trials in Minneapolis. “We weren’t in the best circumstances either, but I feel like we have a lot of weight on our shoulders to go out there and prove that we’re better athletes.”

The U.S. team settled for silver in the team event in Tokyo after a few uncharacteristic mistakes. Chiles fell to the ground and Biles got lost in the air on her vault before a twisting problem forced her out of the competition.

We are more mature, smarter and more cohesive, Biles said this week.

With Russian gymnasts banned from competing in Paris due to the ongoing war in Ukraine, the Brazilian and Chinese teams are expected to be the Americans' biggest rivals in the team competition.

The Brazilian team is also rich in Olympic experience and record, with Rebeca Andrade making her Rio debut like Biles. She became the first Brazilian to win an Olympic medal in women's artistic gymnastics, winning silver in the all-around and gold on vault in Tokyo.

Brazil are aiming for their first Olympic team medal after winning their first world team medal last year.

Beyond Biles, the U.S. is loaded with veteran talent. Lee is a star on the uneven bars, where she is the reigning Olympic bronze medalist. In addition to the silver she helped the U.S. team win in the team final, she won three medals in Tokyo, one of each color.

“I want to make the all-around final,” Lee said Sunday. “I want to be in the top three for the uneven bars final and I really want to win gold on balance beam.”

I feel like I always get to the final and always make mistakes, it's so annoying, she says with a laugh.

She reached the balance beam final at the Tokyo Games and has Olympic medal potential in that event. Her score of 14.600 on balance beam at the Core Hydration Classic is among the highest scores in the world this year.

Carey, the reigning Olympic floor vault champion, narrowly missed the vault podium in Tokyo. She qualified second behind Biles heading into the vault final but tripped on the runway during the final, a fortuitous incident that she credits as the impetus for her return to the Olympics.

A lot of us will say we want redemption and we've all had something that didn't work out as planned, Carey said after making her second Olympic team.

Like other Tokyo Olympians, her experience was marred by a postponement and other Covid-related restrictions. She is looking forward to a more immersive Olympic environment in Paris.

“Having a normal experience, having our families there, meeting other athletes, it's something I'm really looking forward to,” Carey said.

Despite Riveras' relative inexperience, she expressed confidence in her teammates to guide her through the Olympic spotlight.

“They’ve been through this, they’ve been through the journey, they’ve been to the Olympics, they’ve been through the pressure,” Rivera, 16, said Sunday. “I think they’ll be able to guide me and help me a lot, not just during the competition, but throughout the training process.”

Biles, 27, will be the oldest American gymnast to compete at the Olympics in 72 years.

All but one member of the team is in their 20s, a marked difference from previous gold-medal winning U.S. Olympic gymnastics teams. This year's team is nearly six years older than the Fierce Five at the 2012 London Olympics, whose average age was 16.4.

This team, like the one from the 2008 Olympics, was made up of new Olympians.

The Rio 2016 Olympic team included two athletes who had previously competed at the Olympic Games, Aly Raisman and Gabby Douglas. In Tokyo, Biles was the only athlete on the team who had previously competed at the Olympic Games.

Raisman, who was 22 at the Rio Games, was nicknamed “Grandma” by her teammates at the time.

“I really have to apologize to Aly for calling her grandma, because I feel like I’m a lot older now,” Biles said. “I just have to take healing a little bit more seriously. In Rio, I could do anything… I was like a little hamster on a wheel, always running.”

Stream every moment and every medal of the Paris 2024 Olympics on Peacock, starting with the Opening Ceremony on July 26 at 12 p.m. ET.




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