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Britain is about to fall into a much darker nightmare that no one has yet realized.

Britain is about to fall into a much darker nightmare that no one has yet realized.
Britain is about to fall into a much darker nightmare that no one has yet realized.


Dear readers, I hope you enjoy the horror film. British politics will turn into a soul-destroying hellhole that Hollywood's sickest people would love.

The next few years will not be just a little worse, as the delusional voters of the centre-right have tried to convince themselves. The imminent Labour ascendancy will be truly disastrous. Every Tory nightmare will come true, and more. The left-wing storm troopers who want to seize the keys to Number 10 will have unimaginable powers and will be far more capable of destroying their enemies than the Tories.

Consider this apocalyptic scenario: On Friday morning, we could wake up not only to the biggest Labour landslide in history, but also to the Liberal Democrats as the official opposition party. This would represent the biggest humiliation the Conservatives have suffered since their founding in 1834. Sir Keir Starmer, the Labour prime minister, would face the Post Office scandal clown Ed Davey as opposition leader at Prime Minister’s Questions. Whoever becomes the Conservative leader would have two questions by the end of the session, by which time most viewers would have lost interest. The shadow chancellor would be a Liberal Democrat.

With Labour leading by a wide margin in all the polls, the real race is for second place in the House of Commons, which could be a close race given the Tories’ massive collapse. Pollster Survation says the Conservatives have just a 53% chance of winning more seats than the Lib Dems, with a very small margin of error. YouGov predicts the Conservatives are just 30 seats ahead of Davie’s mob.

Even if the Conservatives win by 10 or 15 seats, their status as the official opposition, and the funding and privileges that come with it, will still be extremely precarious. The scale of the defeat will be devastating for the remaining Conservative MPs. Former senior ministers will become obscure names overnight. They will lose their ministerial cars and special advisers, and many will become the butt of jokes. No one will care what they say or do. Few will return their calls.

The blame game will be brutal. The Conservative Party will tear itself apart, perhaps finally realising that it cannot be a home for left-wing, old-guard, woke Remainers and right-wing, low-guard, unwoke Brexiteers. Some Conservative MPs may join the Liberal Democrats, while others may defect to Reform Britain, further reducing the party's numbers and jeopardising its status as the official opposition.

Or consider another scenario. What if disillusioned Labour MPs eventually decide to leave the big group and join the Liberal Democrats instead? The Liberal Democrats could suddenly overtake the decimated Conservative Party. The Tory group would have to be much larger than the Liberal Democrats to be confident that they could remain the official opposition for the rest of the next parliament.

If the Liberal Democrats overtake the Conservatives on Friday, the centre-right parties – the Conservatives, Reform Party and Northern Ireland Unionist Party – will have just 10% of seats in the House of Commons, while 90% of MPs will be clearly on the left, creating an unprecedented imbalance.

The British parliamentary system of checks and balances would be so messed up that we would effectively become a one-party state, or at least one where almost all politicians think exactly the same way. After all, the Liberal Democrats tend to be left-wing, thinking that it is easier to get elected under a yellow rose than under a red rose in places like Surrey for industrial or cultural reasons.

The Conservatives will be hit hard by the allocation of select committee positions. The Public Accounts Committee will automatically be chaired by the Lib Dems. Going through the parliamentary audit will be like reiterating the left’s grievances. Starmer will be attacked for not spending enough, not rejoining the EU, not punishing Israel for fighting evil terrorists, and not raising taxes.

The centre-right and free-market voices and positions will almost completely disappear. The Conservative right and Nigel Farage and his small group of reformers will do their best, but they will be outside and inside. As far as the civil service is concerned, the Overton window will be closed and the opinions of millions will be safely ignored.

The BBC is no different. If you think the broadcaster is too left wing these days, you should know that it would be much worse if the Liberal Democrats were in opposition. Question Time would pit Labour MPs against the Liberal Democrats, and the Conservatives would be regularly excluded. The balance of TV and radio airtime would be made up of a variety of left wing opinions, with the occasional Tory or Reform panellist being booed by everyone else.

There is little doubt that the Conservatives, relegated to third place in parliament, will galvanise Labour in the most dangerous way possible. There is already talk of Starmer appointing Harriet Harman to the crucial role of chair of the Equality and Human Rights Commission, replacing Lady Falkner, one of the heroes of the anti-woke struggle. With the already small number of non-leftists in the public sector set to be sacked, a ruthless purge is clearly on the cards.

Labour will be cheered on by the so-called Liberal Democrat opposition and will be encouraged to move faster and further in a socialist and enlightened direction. They will use the Equality Act to recruit all companies that fight social inequality through positive discrimination. They will step up their carbon neutrality and car wars. They will start to emulate EU rules just for the sake of it. They will make it much easier to raise taxes in their first budget, including on wealth, inheritance and property. They will turn a blind eye to illegal immigration and gradually increase legal immigration, encouraged by radical open borders activists within the left wing parliamentary ranks.

The best we can hope for now is for the Conservatives to become the official opposition party. Is that really asking too much?




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