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Actor John Carpenter called the film “wonderful and humorous.”

Actor John Carpenter called the film “wonderful and humorous.”
Actor John Carpenter called the film “wonderful and humorous.”


John Carpenter's films have an authenticity and a certain audacity, the kind of courage that has helped make the New York-born director one of the greatest and most important figures in the history of American cinema, particularly in the fields of horror, action and science fiction.

Throughout his remarkable career, Carpenter has delivered some of the most memorable moments in cinema. For example, he is considered a master of horror after delivering several classic works of the genre, including Halloween, Fog, The thing And Christine.

Among Carpenter's other most acclaimed efforts are films such as Escape from New York, Black Star, Assault on police station 13 And Big Trouble in Little ChinaWith such fame, it's only fitting that Carpenter has been able to work with some of Hollywood's most notable actors, including Jamie Lee Curtis and Kurt Russell.

While such figures have found themselves in a position of celebration after appearing in Carpenter's films, there is another actor who worked with the director and for whom Carpenter seems to have the most respect. Harry Dean Stanton collaborated with Carpenter on a few occasions and Carpenter had once declared his admiration for the film legend.

He was a consummate character actor and a unique man, the director once said. The GuardianHe would come absolutely prepared for his role and improvise things that weren't in the script but were hilarious. Stanton had mostly played supporting roles throughout his career, including in films like Extraterrestrial, Repo Man, Luke the cold handAnd The heart that is in the desertbut he also made his characters his own and often stole the show from his so-called stars.

Stanton first starred for Carpenter in his 1981 sci-fi action film. Escape from New Yorkwhich tells the story of Kurt Russell's character Snake Plissken and his mission to save the President of the United States from terrorists in order to obtain a pardon for his crimes. Stanton plays Harold Brain Hellman, an advisor to a New York crime boss and former associate of Snakes.

In the Guardian In an interview, Carpenter explained how Stanton deviated from the script and immersed his character in his own improvisations. The director explained: “He did it, especially on Escape from New York; he made this character his own. He saw this character as a kind of poet, like Lord Byron. I hadn't thought of that, but it was great.

Two years later, Stanton again starred for Carpenter in the supernatural horror film Christinebased on the Stephen King novel of the same name. The film tells the story of a young man who has a radical change of heart after purchasing a red and white 1958 Plymouth Fury that seems to exert an influence on him and Stanton saw him playing a police detective investigating a series of crimes caused by the car and its owner.

When Stanton passed away at the age of 91 in 2017, Carpenter made sure to pay tribute to the legendary actor he was fortunate to work with twice. The director took to Twitter to note that Harry Dean Stanton was a wonderful, kind, and humorous man. He was also a great actor. Goodbye, Harry Dean. Rest in peace.

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